List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
12772 Effect of cutting length of whole-crop corn silage on quality and rumen fermentation in goats. rumen ruminant industry corn silage aerobic stability microbial population dry matter intake growth performance rumen fermentation digestibility

Khin Thida Khaing


7667 Effect of cytokinins (BAP and TDZ) and auxin (2, 4-D) on growth and development of Paphiopedilum callosum. Papahiopedilum callosum in vitro culture cytokinins auxin orchids

Patcharawadee Wattanawikkit

serials the kasetsart journal

1647 Effect of decentralization strategy on macroeconomic stability in Thailand. finance decentralization system

Kanokpan Lao-Araya

book erd working paper series no.17

7384 Effect of Dehusking and Silk Removing Methods and Storage Temperatures on Fresh and Canned Babycorn. babycorn, storage, processing,

Teeranud Romphophak

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

11550 Effect of detasseling and stalk removal of corn and infestation of Asian corn borer, Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenee) (Pyralidae: Lepidoptera). detasseling stalk removal corn infestation Asian corn borer Ostrinia furnacalis Pyralidae Lepidoptera

Sieng Klitsaneephaiboon


4509 Effect of diazinon 60 EC on Anabas testudineus, Channa punctatus and Barbodes gonionotus. pesticides residual effects Anabas testudineus Channa punctatus Barbodes gonionotus hypertrophy necrosis pyknosis hepatocytes

Rahman, M.Z.; Hossain, Z.; Mollah, M.F.A.; Ahmed, G.U.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

15298 Effect of diet on the longevity and oviposition performance of black soldier flies, Hermetia illucens (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) food supply; rearing method; reproductive performance

Aye Aye Thinn; Yooichi Kainoh

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

9030 Effect of different alkaline treatment on the release of ferulic acid from oil palm empty fruit bunch fibres. oil palm empty fruit brunch lignin alkaline hydrolysate ferulic acid sodium bisulphite

Fairouz Jahaan Mohd Aanifah; Phang Lai Yee; Helmi Wasoh; Suraini Abd-Aziz

serials journal of oil palm research

11753 Effect of different stocking densities and feeding on the growth of Oreochromis niloticus (L.) in floating cages in Sampaloc Lake, Laguna, Philippines feeding Oreochromis niloticus floating cages Laguna Philippines

Iwan Suyatna


7348 Effect of Dry and Wet Packing on Quality of Cut Orchid Flowers of Dendrobium. bud opening orchid flowers packing dry packing wet vase life

Saichol Ketsa

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science