List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
5150 Effect of manufacturing parameters on the properties of cement-bonded boards using agri-forest residues: Sugarcane bagasse. cement-bonded boards sugarcane bagasse

Eusebio, D.A.; Romanillos, E.L.; Dionglay, C.V.

serials fprdi journal

12433 Effect of metalaxyl (methyl-N-(2methoxy acetyl)-N-(2,6-xylyl)-D, L alanine) seed treatment on the root system, growth and competing ability of agronomy mungbean weeds yield loss root growth metalaxyl seeds chemicals weed control

Nguyen Vinh Truong


12450 Effect of metalaxyl on the root system of corn (Zea mays L.) and its possible use for improved crop competitive ability. corn crop-weed competition yield loss root system root growth promoting substances metalaxyl solution weed control

Chatchavijk Thanomthin


5004 Effect of methoprene, MH-III and combination of methoprene and MH-III on larval, adult moth characters, cocoon quality and silk proteins of silkworm, silkworm Bombyx mori methoprene eclosion fecundity fibroin sericin

Bharati, D.; Miao Yungen

serials philippine journal of science

15860 Effect of microcrystalline cellulose reinforcement on mechanical and water barrier properties of sugar palm starch biocomposite films sugar palm starch; biodegradable films; food packaging; environmental pollution; microcrystalline cellulose; biocomposite film materials

Salit, Mohd Sapuan

book searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2018-1

6412 Effect of Milling Process on Functional Properties of Legumes. legume milling functional properties antioxidant capacity resistant starch

Nipat Limsangouan; Seiichiro Isobe

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

7537 Effect of Modified Atmosphere Packaging on Qualities and Shelf Life of Precooked Baby Clam (Paphia undulata). baby clam blanching shelf life modified atmosphere packaging precooked product

Punchira Vongsawasdi; Montira Nopharatana; Juthamas Khueankhancharoen; Chonisa Changyoug

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

7416 Effect of Modified Atmospheres on Quality and Chilling Injury of Nam Dok Mai Mango Fruits. chilling injury mango modified atmosphere

Manoch Koolpluksee; Saichol Ketsa; Suranant Subhadrabandhu

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

11734 Effect of monocropped or intercropped legumes and cereals on succeeding maize and soybean monocrops. legumes cereals maize soybean Philippines

Yunus Musa


4015 Effect of mulching corn with hedgerow species on soil erosion. mulching soil erosion runoff corn madre de cacao flemengia sunflower

Elmundo, E.M.; Pava, H.M.

serials cmu journal of science