ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
7590 | Effect of solution concentration on MnS2 thin films deposited in a chemical bath. | chemical bath deposition thin film solar cells semiconductor manganese sulfide | Anuar Kassim; Tan Wee Tee; Ho Soon Min; Abdul Halim Abdullah; Ahmad Haziq Jusoh; Saravanan Nagalingam |
serials | the kasetsart journal |
11512 | Effect of some anatomical features and specific gravity on the fiber saturation point of kaatoan bangkal (Anthocephalus chinensis Rich ex Walp). | forestry gravity fiber saturation point kaatoan bangkal Anthocephalus chinensis Indonesia | Elyazar Manuhuwa |
theses |
6377 | Effect of Sowing Date on Growth and Development of Thai Hemp (Cannabis Sativa L.). | hemp Cannabis sativa L. growth development phenology | Thitivara Sengloung; Lily Kaveeta; Weerachai Nanakorn |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
7409 | Effect of Stemona Collinsae Extract Against Cattle Ticks (Boophilus microplus). | stemona collinsae Boophilus microplus | Weerapol Jansawan; Sathaporn Jittapalapong; Nongnuch Jantaraj |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
12225 | Effect of storage atmospheres and exposure periods on the incidence of internal breakdown. | horticulture storage atmosphere physiochemical changes chemical changes carabao mango Mangifera indica fruits oxygen carbon dioxide ripening respiration rate Thailand | Nipa Kunsongkeit |
theses |
6359 | Effect of Sucrose and ABA on Survival Rate of Cryopreserved Protocorms of Dendrobium gratiosissimum Rchb.f. | Dendrobium gratiosissimum Rchb.f. cryopreservation encapsulation-dehydration sucrose treatment ABA | Sumontip Bunnag; Praweena Maneerattanarungroj; Anawat Suwanagul |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
6848 | Effect of super EM on the growth and yield of rice, corn and sorghum. | EM corn sorghum rice yield | Bunharn Tangcham; Sompron Choonluchanon |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
6716 | Effect of supplemented with microbial medicinal plant extract in broiler drinking water. | broiler effective microorganism medicinal plant | Wanee Chaiwatanasin; Somchai Chantsavang; Orathai Triwutanon |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
7316 | Effect of Sweet Corn Varieties and Thermal Processing on Quality of Canned Whole Kernel Corn. | sweet corn variety thermal processing whole kernel corn canning | Tanaboon Sajjaanantakul; Ratchada Tangwongchai |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
7555 | Effect of Tapioca Starch Concentration on Quality and Freeze-Thaw Stability of Fish Sausage. | cooking loss drip loss freeze-thaw stability water holding capacity texture | Rosjarin Prabpree; Rungnaphar Pongsawatmanit |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |