List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
8060 Effects of cognitive and problem-solving styles on information seeking behaviour in the www. cognitive styles variables problem solving styles

Sam, Hong K.

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

4542 Effects of complex organic extracts on callus growth and PLB regeneration through embryogenesis in the Doritaenopsis orchid. biotechnology potato corn papaya extracts orchids callus growth Phalaenopsis

Obaidul Islam; Abu Reza Md. Mahfuzur Rahman; Shuichiro Matsui; A.K.M. Azad-ud-doula Prodhan

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

4555 Effects of complex organic extracts on plantlet regeneration from PLBs and plantlet growth in the Doritaenopsis orchid. biotechnology potato corn papaya extracts plantlet regeneration shoot growth root growth

Abu Reza Md. Mahfuzur Rahman; M. Obaidul Islam; A.K.M. Azad-ud-doula Prodhan; Syoichi Ichihashi

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

15322 Effects of component and total mixed ration feeding systems on the growth performance, rumen fluid characteristics, and nutrient digestibility in dairy cattle dairy cattle; mixed ration feeding system; growth performance; estrus; sexual maturity; ruminal characteristics; pH; soluble sugar contents; ruminal degradation capacity; feeding system; feed intake; nutrient intake; fecal consistency

Augusto Barros


6669 Effects of composite rice flour and water content on qualities of Thai rice cake. acceptability composite rice flour Thai rice cake textural quality

Kamolwan Jangchud; Manatsanun Boonthrapong; Witoon Prinyawiwatkul

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

4000 Effects of compost on the availability of nitrogen and phosphorus in strongly acidic soils compost nitrogen acidic soils mineralization sorption characteristics phosphocompost phosphate serials fftc technical bulletin 155

13043 Effects of concentrate supplementation on growth performance and response to estrous synchronization of local goats in Laos goat production paper mulberry nutrient digestibility supplementation

Bounthiem Bouasavanh


11692 Effects of cooking method on some constituents of tempe, a fermented soybeans. cooking methods tempe fermented soybeans Indonesia



11582 Effects of corn (Zea mays L.) and legume (Vigna radiata (L.) wilczek, Arachis hypogaea L.) intercrops on. corn Zea mays legume Vigna radiata Arachis hypogaea crop productivity soil erosion hilly land Philippines

Berganio, Milagros L.


3667 Effects of cotton growth regulator on jassid infestation and injury. cotton jassid leaf characters growth regulator mepiquat chloride

Weerawan Eittipibool; Renou, Alain; Wiboon Chongrattanameteekul; Praparat Hormchan

serials the kasetsart journal