ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
6869 | Effects of nitrogen fertilizer on grain qualities of khaw dauk mali-105 aromatic rice : | aromatic rice khaw dauk mali-105 rice N fertilizer qualities | A. Suwanarit; S. Kreetapirom, S. Ratanasupa; S. Buranakarn, P. Romyen; W. Varanyanond, S. Wattanapryapkul; P. Tungtrakul, K. Naklang; S. Somboonpong, S. Rotjanakusol; S. Rattapat, P. Pornurisnit |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
12085 | Effects of nitrogen, phosphorous, and sulfur fertilization on growth, yield, and protein components of bush sitao (Vigna sesquipedalis Fruw.) | soil science nitrogen phosphorous sulfur fertilization growth yield bush sitao Vigna sesquipedalis | Boonrawd Supa-udomlerk |
theses |
11576 | Effects of organic amendments, drainage, and mulching on the reclamation of salt-affected soil in Northeast Thailand. | organic amendments drainage mulching salt-affected soil Thailand | Niyom Boonpikum |
theses |
6715 | Effects of organic and chemical fertilizers on growth and yield of mungbean line kamphaengsaen 1 cultivated in kamphaengsaen soil series. | mungbean rhizobium organic fertilizer chemical fertilizer | Somsak Vangnai; Thongchai Mala |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
6675 | Effects of organic manures on production of lettuce (lactuca sativa L.) in reference to chemical fertilizer. | organic manures chemical fertilizers lettuce | Krishna Prasad Paudel; Sutevee Sukprakarn; Krung Sidathani; Yongyut Osotsapar |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
6407 | Effects of Organic Rice Compared with Conventional Rice on Serum Lipids in Rats. | organic rice conventional rice cholesterol triglyceride experimental rats | Wanpen Mesomya; Pakawadee Sutthivaiyakit; Yaovadee Cuptapun; Duangchan Hengsawadi |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
12510 | Effects of organic-based and foliar fertilizers on the growth, yield and quality of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.). | cocoa Theobroma cacao organic fertilizer foliar fertilizer growth yield soil fertility | Noordiana Nordin |
theses |
12120 | Effects of outdoor mathematics on the learning achievement of student at SLTP VPI Tunas Bangsa Palembang-Indonesia | mathematics students Tunas Bangsa Palembang Indonesia | Didik Sugeng Pambudi |
theses |
7564 | Effects of Pandanus amaryllifolius roxb. supplementation on egg production performance and egg quality under different housing systems. | layer diet Pandanus amaryllifolius roxb. close house open house evaporative cooling house | Suchart Sa-nguanphan |
serials | the kasetsart journal |
14470 | Effects of PbO on ZnO and ZnO-Bi203,-Sb203 varistor ceramics | ceramics; varistors; microstructure; ZnO; electrical properties | Garcia, Maria Carmela T.; Herrera, Marvin U. |
serials | up los banos journal |