ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
6700 | Effects of soil salinity and sodium on grain qualities of khaw dauk mali-105 rice. | aromatic rice khaw dauk mali-105 rice qualities salinity sodium | A. Suwanarit; S. Kreetapirom; S. Buranakarn; W. Varanyanond; P. Tungtrakul |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
7960 | Effects of soil tillage and sowing system on sugar beet production under the climatic conditions of lithuania. | soil tillage drilling energetic evaluation | Sarauskis, Egidijus; et. al. |
serials | landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research |
6392 | Effects of Some Physicochemical Properties of Paddy Rice Varieties on Puffing Qualities by Microwave "ORIGINAL". | puffing puffed rice microwave physicochemical | Suchada Maisont; Woatthichai Narkrugsa |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
11987 | Effects of soybean milk - skimmilk mixtures on dairy calves in veal production | animal science soybean milk skimmilk dairy calves veal production | Wipit Chaisrisongkram |
theses |
3533 | Effects of suckling on postpartum reproductive performance of beef cows and growth of their calves | Beef cattle Calves Puerperium Suckling | Suzuki, O.; et. al. |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
6788 | Effects of sulfur fertilizer on grain qualities of khaw dauk mali-105 rice. | aromatic rice effects khaw dauk mali-105 rice qualities sulfur | Amnat Suwanarit; Somchai Kreetapirom; Suparb Buranakarn; Panpimon Suriyapromchai; Warunee Varanyanond; Patcharee Tungtrakul |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
13020 | Effects of supplementation with Guinea grass silage on growth performance of Lao native cattle fed rice straw as basal Diet | rice straw production system guinea grass silage roughage quality measurement in vitro gas production | Yalao Lyfong |
theses |
7391 | Effects of Surface Placement of Sesbania Debris Prior to Incorporation into the Soil on Growth of Rice and Soil Properties. | organic acids paddy soil sesbania rostrata surface placement of green manure | Pongsiri Patcharapreecha; Duangsamorn Taja; Hiroshi Ishida; Hidenori Wada |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
12598 | Effects of tannin on the rumen ecology of carabao (Bubalus bubalis) and cattle (Bos indicus). | carabao cattle tannin rumen rice straw rumen fermentation rumen bacteria In Sacco digestibility diet feeding | Bambang Suwignyo |
theses |
5317 | Effects of tea-seed saponins on the vase life, hydraulic conductance and transpiration of cut rose flowers. | Rosa hybrida cutflowers tea seeds saponins water relations postharvest technology | Kazuo Ichimura; Takahiro Fujiwara; Yuji Yamauchi; Hideki Horie; Katsunori Kohata |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |