List of Materials : 16539

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
307 Employee-organization linkages: the psychology and commitment, absenteeism, and turnover employees commitment absenteeism managers labor turnover employee morale organizational commitment

Mowday, Richard T.; Porter, Lyman W.; Steers, Richard M.


11912 Employment and income of the vocational upper-secondary school graduates in Ayuthya agricultural education agricultural education

Boonlert Jugsurat


204 Employment for poverty reduction and food security poverty reduction employment government policy nutrition policy food aid income

von Braun, Joachim (ed.)


2526 Employment impact of business-to-consumer e-commerce on Philippine workers. employment e-commerce workers

De Vera, Roberto E.

book pids research paper series no. 2004-02

14385 Employment in agriculture and food trade agricultural trade; global value chains; agriculture; employment

Greenville, Jared; Kawasaki, Kentaro; Jouanjean, Marie-Agnes

weblinks agriculture and fisheries papers no. 124

201 Employment strategies for the rural poor Bangladesh Nepal Vietnam socio-economic situation book

11392 Empowering farmers : A 'poor' Cebuano scientist's dream. cow carabao goat chicken animal livestock BIO-N Dr. Romulo Davide Farmer-Scientist Training Program : FSTP nitrogen-fixing bacteria biofertilizer Cebu poverty alleviation chemical fertilizer organic fertilizer technology transfer

Mayuga, Jonathan

biotech biolife: a bi-monthly magazine on biotechnology

13304 Empowering farmers in Bohol farming; transplanters; agricultural machinery; KOPIA

Frediles, Christina A.

serials agriculture magazine

7020 Empowering farmers through education. training farmers

Barcelona, Arsenio

serials agriculture magazine

15726 Empowering farmers: The Philippines National Integrated Pest Management Program (Second Edition) farmer field school; IPM; KASAKALIKASAN; empowering farmers

Medina, Jose R.; Callo, Damaso P. Jr.
