List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
12340 Effects of water table changes on welfare and nutrition security of rice farming households, Tarlac, Philippines, 2001. agricultural economics rice farming households

Marthen Robinson Pellokila


468 Effects of weather on the biological control of Alligatorweed in the lower Mississippi Valley Region, 1973-83 Alternanthera Agasicles Amynothrips andersoni biotic stress Disonycha collata Disonycha xanthomelas Philoxerus Vogtia malloi alligatorweed dispersal migration vegetational replacement winter stress insect occurrence

Vogt, G.B.; Quimby, P.C., Jr.; Kay, S.H.

book technical bulletin no.1766

7680 Effects of xanthan gum on the quality of syrup thickened by modified starch during heating and storage. shelf life hydrocolloid storage test viscosity heating fruit syrup starch

Rungnaphar Pongsawatmanit; Natee Yakard; Thongchai Suwonsichon

serials the kasetsart journal

12671 Effects on endomycorrhizal inoculation on the growth and survival of Jatropha curcas L., Acacia mangium Wild, and Casuarina equisetifolia J. R. & G. Palawan Jatropha curcas Acacia mangium Casuarina equisetifolia endomycorrhizal inoculation growth survival

Quilang, Reynald M.


6941 Effects on rumen fermentation and blood of total mixed ration in steers. TMR fistulated rumen blood and steer

Panas Tumkiratiwong; Pornsri Chairatayuth; Somkiat Timpatpong

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

8042 Effets of plant growth regulators on shoot multiplication and root induction of cassava varieties in vitro culture. manibot esculenta shoot multiplication root induction thidiazuron

Sukmadjaja, Deden; Widhiastuti, Herni

serials biotropia: the southeast asian journal of tropical biology

6653 Efficacies of some beneficial bacteria on the colonization and inhibition of vibrio harveyi in black tiger shrimp (penaeus monodon fabricius) larvae. beneficial bacteria vibrio harveyi penaeus monodon

Monchan Maketon; Kamonporn Masawang

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

6835 Efficacy evaluation of EM for plant disease control. effective microorganisms SUTOJU plant disease control citrus canker phytopthora root rot of citrus sclerotium rot of tomato papaya ringspot virus

Niphone Thaveechai; Nuttima Boonwatana; Thanawatt Kamheangridthirong; Ampaiwan Paradornuwat; Preecha Surin; Wichai Kositratana; Sunetra Phawichit, Adisak Buangiyapan

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

6345 Efficacy of Electrolyzed-Oxidizing Water for Inactivating Escherichia Coli Inoculated on Holy Basil. electrolyzed-oxidizing water escherichia coli holy basil

Jantima Japakaset; Siriporn Stonsaovapak; Pornthip Charoenthamawat; Wanchai Panthavee

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

15332 Efficacy of entomopathogenic nematodes against the coconut rhinoceros beetle larva, Oryctes rhinoceros L., (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, Thailand coconut rhinoceros beetle larvae; Oryctes rhinoceros; Heterorhabditis; Steinernema; entomopathogenic nematodes; persistence; bioefficacy

Praiyanut Noitubtim
