List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
14140 Eminent rice scientist and academician appointed new SEARCA director SEARCA; Director; rice scientist serials agriculture magazine

7950 Emissions from synthetic diesel fuels. fischer-tropsch fuel diesel engine emissions regulated emissions non-regulated emissions

Munack, Axel; Krahl, Jurgen; Wilharm, Thomas; Ruschel, Yvonne; Schaak, Jens; Schroder, Olaf; Schmidt, Lasse

serials landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research

15194 Emotional and psychosocial support for teachers and parents of learners with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic emotional and psychosocial support; parents and teachers; special needs; COVID-19

Mohd Zulkarnain Abdul Wahab; Ahmad Heikhal Amir Hamzah; Fezny Othman

serials journal of southeast asian education

10391 Emotional fitness at work: 6 strategic steps to success using the power of emotion. success in business; emotions; interpersonal relations; resolving conflicts; crisis management; mentoring; motivating; leadership; Kaizen; self evaluation

Goldsmith, Barton


3790 Emotional intelligence and teaching performance of faculty members at St. Mary's College of Meycauayan. teaching performance

Zuñiga, Dalmacio M.; Leabres, Andres M.

serials araneta research journal

8141 Emotional intelligence of science and mathematics teachers: A Malaysian experience. emotional intelligence language transition utilization of emotion regulation of emotion appraisal of emotion expression of emotion science mayhematics

Subramaniam, Selva R.; Cheong, Loh S.

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

3258 Empirical equations for the estimation of natural mortality in Mediterranean teleosts.

Djabali, A.; Mehailia, M.; Koudil, M.; Brahmi, B.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

307 Employee-organization linkages: the psychology and commitment, absenteeism, and turnover employees commitment absenteeism managers labor turnover employee morale organizational commitment

Mowday, Richard T.; Porter, Lyman W.; Steers, Richard M.


11912 Employment and income of the vocational upper-secondary school graduates in Ayuthya agricultural education agricultural education

Boonlert Jugsurat


204 Employment for poverty reduction and food security poverty reduction employment government policy nutrition policy food aid income

von Braun, Joachim (ed.)
