List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
6194 Enhancing livestock water quality with acidifier. livestock water water quality bacterial pathogens drinking water Selko-pH organic acids dosage polluted drinking water

Sison Jaime Abella

serials agriculture magazine

16143 Enhancing local adaptive capacities of selected upland farming communities in Southeast Asia: Lessons and experiences policymaking processes; scaling up; upland farming communities; agroforestry; communicators

Landicho, Leila D.; Wulandari, Christine; Huy, Bao; Visco, Roberto G.; Carandang, Wilfredo M.; Cabahug, Rowena Esperanza D.

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

4089 Enhancing local banana production through regional R&D network. banana networks

Solivas, J.L.

serials agriculture

5200 Enhancing off-season production through grafted tomato technology. Apollo bacterial wilt eggplant grafting rootstock scion tomato rain shelter open field

Aganon, C.; Mateo, L.G.; Cacho, D.; Bala, A. Jr.; Aganon, T.M.

serials philippine journal of crop science

2001 Enhancing participation in country strategy and program planning. participation donors social learning participatory methods

Fowler, A.

book social development papers no. 2

2669 Enhancing participation in local governance: Experiences from the Philippines. local governance good governance sustainable development decentralization local government units human resources development organizational development development planning natural resources management watershed management protected area management coastal resource management marine reserves preservation primary health care disaster management solid waste management book

6973 Enhancing peace in ARMM by increasing agricultural productivity. farming palayamanan model farms technology adoption upland farms rainfed farms irrigated lowlands income yield

Pablico, Sosimo Ma.; Antonio, Hazel V.

serials agriculture magazine

6142 Enhancing piglets' digestion with synergistic acidulant. piglets acidifiers acidulants diet feeds Digestocap

Sison, Jaime Abella

serials agriculture magazine

8120 Enhancing pre-service secondary mathematics teachers' skills of using the geometer's sketchpad through lesson study. geometer's sketchpad mathematics teacher regular polygons

Meng, Chew C.; Sam, Lim C.

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

5298 Enhancing productivity of rice farmers through diversified and intensive rice-based farming systems: A village-level integration approach. diversification intensified rice-based farming systems village-level integration participatory rural appraisal LGU rainfed lowlands on-farm trials saline areas on-farm integration

Casimero, M.C.; Corales, R.G.; Rebuelta, P.A.; Marcelino, L.R.

serials philrice technical bulletin