ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
15221 | Environment and food security interactions amid climate change: A multi-scale analysis in the Philippine watershed | food security; climate change; water resources; pest dynamics; crop productivity; livestock and poultry production; food market adaptation; food vulnerability; watershed | Rola, Agnes C.; Sumalde, Zenaida M.; Garcia, Jose Nestor M. (eds.) |
book |
13869 | Environment and Natural Resource Accounting (ENRA) - Training module | climate change; environment; natural resource; accounting; ENRA; CORE | book |
1156 | Environment and sustainable development | Sustainability Sustainable development Environment | Sajise, Percy E. |
book |
14741 | Environment at a glance 2020 | environment; climate change; air quality; health; freshwater resources; circular economy; wastes and materials; biological resources; biodiversity; municipal solid wastes; carbon emissions | weblinks |
3259 | Environment on trial | Hillman, S. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |
1739 | Environment statistics in Central Asia: Progress and prospects. | air pollution water resources information systems aerial emissions air management water supply water quality transborder | Ballance, Robert; Pant, Bishnu D. |
book | erd working paper series no. 36 |
616 | Environment, classification, and agronomic potentials of some wetland soils in the Philippines | wetland soils soil classification vertisols inceptisols entisols | Raymundo, M.E.; Mamaril, C.P.; De Datta, S.K. |
book | pcarrd book series no.85 |
2955 | Environment, energy and climate change : A sourcebook for political parties. | environment energy climate change deforestation environment policies energy policies communication sustainable development | book |
2325 | Environment, livelihoods, and local institutions: Decentralization in mainland Southeast Asia. | decentralization uplands case studies government women community mobilization conflict resolution monitoring and evaluation livelihood security environment | Dupar, Mairi; Badenoch, Nathan |
book |
5675 | Environment-friendly crop protection products, waste management brings profit. | crop protection robotics biochemical testing waste management incinerator landfill wastewater | Aguiba, Melody M. |
serials | agriculture magazine |