List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
15221 Environment and food security interactions amid climate change: A multi-scale analysis in the Philippine watershed food security; climate change; water resources; pest dynamics; crop productivity; livestock and poultry production; food market adaptation; food vulnerability; watershed

Rola, Agnes C.; Sumalde, Zenaida M.; Garcia, Jose Nestor M. (eds.)


13869 Environment and Natural Resource Accounting (ENRA) - Training module climate change; environment; natural resource; accounting; ENRA; CORE book

1156 Environment and sustainable development Sustainability Sustainable development Environment

Sajise, Percy E.


14741 Environment at a glance 2020 environment; climate change; air quality; health; freshwater resources; circular economy; wastes and materials; biological resources; biodiversity; municipal solid wastes; carbon emissions weblinks

3259 Environment on trial

Hillman, S.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

1739 Environment statistics in Central Asia: Progress and prospects. air pollution water resources information systems aerial emissions air management water supply water quality transborder

Ballance, Robert; Pant, Bishnu D.

book erd working paper series no. 36

616 Environment, classification, and agronomic potentials of some wetland soils in the Philippines wetland soils soil classification vertisols inceptisols entisols

Raymundo, M.E.; Mamaril, C.P.; De Datta, S.K.

book pcarrd book series no.85

2955 Environment, energy and climate change : A sourcebook for political parties. environment energy climate change deforestation environment policies energy policies communication sustainable development book

2325 Environment, livelihoods, and local institutions: Decentralization in mainland Southeast Asia. decentralization uplands case studies government women community mobilization conflict resolution monitoring and evaluation livelihood security environment

Dupar, Mairi; Badenoch, Nathan


5675 Environment-friendly crop protection products, waste management brings profit. crop protection robotics biochemical testing waste management incinerator landfill wastewater

Aguiba, Melody M.

serials agriculture magazine