List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1116 Environmental education and its transfer: the Philippine experience Philippines environmental education tertiary level education

Sajise, Percy E.


1923 Environmental education for sustainable development. sustainable development, sustainability, education, ecosystems, biomes, population growth, global warming, ozone depletion, energy sources, water supply, mineral resources, exploitation, wildlife resources, deforestation, coral reefs, human settlements, resource depletion, environmental laws, policies, environmental standards, ISO, agreements, higher education, community-based resource management, curriculum, waste management, hazardous wastes, protected areas, national action plan,

Guzman, R.S.


1121 Environmental education for today and tommorrow: the role of academe in its promotion Education Environmental education academe

Sajise, Percy E.


1120 Environmental education in the Philippines environmental education secondary level tertiary level education

Sajise, Percy E.


4968 Environmental education in Vietnam : Building sustainability into a training programme. Education training Vietnam

Vu Thi Quyen

serials asean biodiversity

15693 Environmental ethics environmentalism; eco-feminism; social justice; anthropocentric justifications; biocentric justifications; pollution; climate change; animal rights; sustainability; sustainable development; social activism; public policy; technology

Boylan, Michael (Ed.)


10568 Environmental ethics and law. environmental issues environmental laws ethical theories

Fernando, Emmanuel Q.


41 Environmental evaluation of coastal zone projects: methods and approaches. coastal zone development environmental examination coastal resource management planning infrastructure industry book adb environment paper no.8

14537 Environmental event broadens cultivation of indigenous Palawan cherry Cassia nodosa; Palawan cherry; trees

Yap, Julio P. Jr.

serials agriculture magazine

12263 Environmental factors influencing land use of coastal land in Thailand: A case study in Samut Sakhon province environmental planning land use coastal land Thailand

Apisak Popan
