List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1986 Environmental indicators for sustainable agriculture : Report on a national workshop, 28-29 November 1991. sustainability monitoring soils surface water indicators biodiversity environment rangelands horticulture

Hamblin, A. (ed.)


9910 Environmental laws in the Philippines. environmental policy rules regulations laws mining sanitation garbage disposal penalty toxic substances hazardous wastes water code pollution control clean air act marine pollution dumping oil pollution ozone layer encroaching Pasig River purch

46 Environmental legislation and administration: briefing profiles of selected developing member countries of the Asian Development Bank. environmental legislation Thailand book adb environment paper no.2

40 Environmental loan covenants: helping ensure the environmental soundness of projects supported by the Asian Development Bank. loan agreements legal bases book adb environment paper no.10

12547 Environmental management of the Stung Mean Chey solid waste disposal site in Phnom Penh City, Cambodia. solid waste disposal collection rate environmental effects solid waste management Cambodia

Chhim Rumuny


12648 Environmental management of the Stung Treng Ramsar wetland site in Samaki Sangkat and O'svay Commune, Stung Treng town, Cambodia. environmental management Stung Treng Ramsar wetland site Cambodia livelihood

Heak Pring


2233 Environmental management of urban solid wastes in developing countries: A project guide. urban solid wastes waste generation rates solid waste management service delivery

Cointreau, Sandra J.


10356 Environmental management systems in Southeast Asia : Towards a green millennium. Towards a green millennium. environmental management sustainability cleaner production green productivity small and medium enterprises

Rao, Purba H.


10424 Environmental microbiology. Vibrio cholerae Drosophila melanogaster arthropod infectious diseases remote sensing Dermacentor variabilis Francisella tularensis Candida albicans Aspergillus fumigatus heavy metals toxicity testing hantavirus phagocytes cholera waterfowl climatic change phylochronology

Belic, Biljana (ed.)


14302 Environmental performance in Asia: Overview, drivers, and policy implications environment; environmental performance; governance; Asia

Huang, Bihong.; Xu, Yining

weblinks adbi working paper 990