List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
42 Environmental risk assessment: dealing with uncertainty in environmental impact assessment. Environmental risk assessment environmental impact assessment book adb environmental paper no.7

15999 Environmental risks to food and health security in the Laguna watershed climate change; watershed; food and health security; environmental degradation; Laguna

Kada, Ryohei

serials searca agriculture and development notes 2014 4-4

11074 Environmental safety concerns : the case of Bt crops. biotechnology Bacillus thuringiensis : Bt genetically modified organisms : GMOs risk assessment biosafety

Fernandez, Eduardo C.


14197 Environmental safety of genetically engineered crops genetically engineered crops; plant breeding; agricultural production systems; biosafety; safety assessment; genetic diversity book

10499 Environmental science. environment earth systems ecology human population environmental change coasts watersheds rivers weather storms urbanization volcanoes earthquakes unstable land soil energy resources mining

American Geological Institute


14299 Environmental science: A global concern biomes; population biology; human populations; environmental health; food; hunger; organic farming; biodiversity; restoration ecology; climate change; air pollution; water use and management; sustainable energy; solid wastes; toxic wastes; hazardous wastes; urbanization; ecological economics; environmental policy

Cunningham, William P.; Cunningham, Mary Ann


10273 Environmental science: Earth as a living planet. environmental sciences human ecology biological diversity sustainable development biogeochemical cycles ecosystem management biogeography ecological restoration agriculture endangered species forests deforestation wildlife fisheries pollution toxicology energy fossil fuels nuclear energy water supply water pollution water treatment global warming El nino air pollution greenhouse effect ozone depletion minerals waste management

Botkin, Daniel B.; Keller, Edward A.


9933 Environmental science: Working with the earth. environmental problems sustainability ecosystems evolution biodiversity climate population ecology community ecology water water pollution air pollution human health human population urbanization toxicology climate change ozone depletion solid wastes hazardous wastes species interactions extinction wild species sustainable agriculture nonrenewable minerals energy resources risk analysis biological hazards geothermal energy

Miller, G.T. Jr.


16496 Environmental soil chemistry environmental soil chemistry; soil organic matter; ion exchange process; soil chemical process; redox; soil acidity; salinity; sodicity; soil solution

Sparks, Donald L.; Singh, Balwant; Siebecker, Matthew G.


14501 Environmental sustainability analysis of charcoal production in Mulanay, Quezon, Philippines charcoal production; environmental sustainability

lnzon, Maria Rowena Beatriz Q.; Espaldon, Ma. Victoria O.; Florece, Leonardo M.; Rebancos, Carmelita M.; Alcantara, Antonio J.

serials journal of environmental science and management