List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
12158 Erosion, sediment yield and water quality assessment in a subwatershed of Taal Lake, Philippines. agricultural engineering soil erosion sediments water quality subwatershed soil loss soil erodibility Taal lake

Cero, Leyma L.


5736 Erosion: The unseen scourge of farmers. soil erosion topsoil erosion control

Tacio, Henrylito D.

serials agriculture magazine

10695 Escape of pest resistance transgenes to agricultural weeds: relevant facets of weed ecology. pest resistance agroecosystems weed ecology hybridization introgression

Jordan, Nicholas


13898 ESIP project creates sustainable and inclusive growth in Eastern Samar's agricultural sector sustainable income; farmers; market systems development approach; Samar serials agriculture magazine

9477 Essential Biosafety Edition 2. biosafety systems environment human food livestock feed safety GM crops food safety intellectual property crop plant and crop database capacity building plant products cd

10181 Essential garden planning and construction. garden drainage foundations patio furniture steps pergolas arches lighting walls

Beazley, Mitchell


10162 Essential genetics : A genomics perspective. genetics genomes genetic mapping human chromosomes DNA structure bacteria viruses molecular genetics gene regulation genetic engineering genetic control molecular evolution population genetics proteomics amino acids

Hartl, Daniel L.; Jones, Elizabeth W.


6382 Essential Oil and Antioxidant Activity of Cassumunar Ginger (Zingiberaceae: Zingiber montanum (Koenig) Link ex Dietr.) Collected from Various Parts : of Thailand. Zingiber montanum DPPH essential oil terpinen-4-ol sabinene DMPBD

Saowaluck Bua-in; Yingyong Paisooksantivatana

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

1361 Essential oils and aromatic plants. gas chromatography essential oils

Svendsen, A.B.; Scheffer, J.J.C. (eds.)


4338 Essential oils as medicinals. ethereal volatile oils essential oils

Brandares, MF.T.

serials agriculture