ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
9925 | Environmental biology: Philippine setting. | ecology ecosystem biogeochemical cycle population communities pollution biodiversity ozone layer El Niño La Niña deforestation forest conservation waste management environmental laws natural resources toxic wastes hazardous wastes recycling global warming | Ordoñez, J.A. II |
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332 | Environmental challenges in the People's Republic of China and scope for Bank Assistance | agricultural land population forests biodiversities water resources water depletion industrial pollution energy air quality laws and regulations bank assistance | Capannelli, Elisabetta |
book | adb occasional papers no.6 |
10252 | Environmental communication: Principles, approaches and strategies of communication applied to environmental management. | environmental communication models nonformal environmental education culture development communication transformational communication strategic communication conscienti-cancion environmental communication people's participation enculturation | Flor, Alexander G. |
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2536 | Environmental consequences of and pollution control options for pond "Tra" fish production in Thotnot District, Cantho City, Vietnam. | catfishes environmental problems pond water quality pollution costs and returns analysis pond sediment wastewater Tra fish Vietnam | Vo Thi Lang; Ky Quang Vinh; Ngo Thi Thanh Truc |
book | research report no. 2009-rr3 |
14406 | Environmental conservation in the Philippines - A Christian perspective | forests; water resources; biodiversity resources; climate change; global warming; environmental issues | Lasco, Rodel D.; Lasco, Haydee D. |
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2586 | Environmental cost analysis of the relocation of pollution-intensive industries case study: Transfer of ceramics industry from Foshan to Qingyuan ... | environmental cost analysis ceramics industry relocation air pollution control health impacts | Liu Li; Li Bin |
book | eepsea research report no. 2010-rr2 |
15223 | Environmental economics and policy | sustainable development; energy; water; agriculture; biodiversity; environmental economics; water pollution; valuing environment; property rights; acid rain; atmosphere modification; transportation; water pollution; solid waste; recycling; toxic substances; hazardous wastes; poverty | Tietenberg, Thomas H. |
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10525 | Environmental economics and policy. | environment property rights sustainable development population natural resource economics energy water land agriculture forests fisheries environmental economics air pollution climate change transportation water pollution wastes waste disposal poverty | Tietenberg, Tom; Lewis, Lynne |
purch |
13009 | Environmental economics and sustainability | environmental economics, air pollution, carbon dioxide emissions, environmental sustainability, waste management, globalization, climate change, international environmental cooperation | purch |
1141 | Environmental education and its transfer at the tertiary level: The University of the Philippines at Los Baños experience | Philippines Tertiary Level Education Environmental Education | Sajise, Percy E. |
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