ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
6398 | Environmental Fate and Transportation of Cadmium, Lead and Manganese in a River Environment using the EPISUITE Program. | EPISUITE program sediment-water partition coefficient organic carbon partition coefficient octanol-water partition coefficient metals ion | Arthit Sakultantimetha; Sornnarin Bangkedphol; Nittaya Lauhachinda; Unnop Homchan; Apisit Songsasen |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
10426 | Environmental geography. | leukocytes obesity payments for environmental services watershed services agroforestry terrestrial vegetation climate change carbon balance natural resource management coastal policies | Garcia, Hector (ed.) |
purch |
16500 | Environmental governance | governance; global governance; networks; markets; transition management; adaptive governance; politics; environmental governance | Evans, James; Thomas, Craig |
purch |
2327 | Environmental guidelines for selected industrial and power development projects. | environmental impact assessment initial environmental examination hydropower reservoir dam thermal power industries waste management solid waste emissions fertilizer manufacture mining cement manufacturing plants power transmission lines oil and gas distribution lines hazardous materials | book |
1061 | Environmental impact assessment | environmental impact analysis social impact assessment risk assessment | book |
10374 | Environmental impact assessment for developing countries in Asia. Volume 1 - Overview. | environmental impact assessment monitoring program legislation human resources financial resources public participation participatory development environmental standards rapid assessment risk assessment human health ecological risk assessment economic analysis social assessment expert systems | Lohani, B.N.; Evans, J.W.; Everitt, R.; Ludwig, H.; Carpenter, R.A.; Shih-Liang Tu |
purch |
10375 | Environmental impact assessment for developing countries in Asia. Volume 2 - Selected case studies. | environmental impact assessment case studies developing countries Asia | Lohani, B.N.; Evans, J.W.; Everitt, R.; Ludwig, H.; Carpenter, R.A.; Shih-Liang Tu |
purch |
610 | Environmental impact assessment for farms : Adoption of environmental impact assessment methods for on-farm level application in Asia and the Pacific. | environmental impact assessment biodiversity gas emission sustainable agriculture | book |
1138 | Environmental impacts of agriculture | Environment agricultural system environment agroecosystems | Sajise, Percy E. |
book |
10352 | Environmental indicators : A systematic approach to measuring and reporting on environmental policy performance in the context of sustainable development. | A systematic approach to measuring and reporting on environmental policy performance in the context of sustainable development. | environment pollution emission resource depletion biodiversity sustainable development greenhouse gas climate change ozone layer acidification eutrophication toxic substances solid wastes pollution index | Hammond, Allen; Adriaanse, Albert; Rodenburg, Eric; Bryant, Dirk; Woodward, Richard |
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