ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
12468 | Establishment of a resource information system for ASCOT reservation area in Aurora province, Philippines. | resource information system database timber regeneration wildlife resources resource inventory aerial photographs geographic information system forest management resource assessment | Gallego, RB J. |
theses |
4989 | Establishment of Neochetina spp.: their pattern of local dispersal and age structure at the release site | Neochetina spp. weevil Alternaria eichhorniae water hyacinth dispersal rate | Kasno; Asmarina S.R. Putri; Sri Widayanti; Sunjaya |
serials | biotropia: the southeast asian journal of tropical biology |
12086 | Establishment of optimum processing parameters for canned tuna | food science and technology food science canned tuna | Nguyen Le Phu |
theses |
15163 | Establishment oft the village-type cacao by-products processing enterprise in major cacao producing areas | cacao; wine; vinegar; health drinks; briquettes | Tuates Jr., Andres M.; Calica, Gigi B.; Testa, Mia F.; Carriedo, Aileen G.; De Leon, Aina Marie; Caparino, Ofero A. |
serials | asian journal of postharvest and mechanization |
13602 | Establishment success of 19 native tropical forest tree species under reforested cattle ranching landscapes in the Azuero Peninsula, Panama | tropical dry forest; reforestation; agroforestry plantations | Chang, Veronica |
serials | tropical resources |
6896 | Estimated combining ability of the pullets body weight at 4 and 8 weeks using diallel crossing system. | diallel crosses body weight combining ability | Voravit Siripholvat; Poophan Ratanapakdee; Somchai Chansawang |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
14006 | Estimates of growth curve, carcass characteristics, and determination of production environment for Philippine swamp buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) in Cagayan Province, Philippines | animal science | Maramba, Jennifer F. |
theses |
10053 | Estimating bill of materials. | bill of materials cement concrete blocks reinforcing steel bars lumber roofing sheets windows doors building finishes plumbing pipes paints coatings nails bolts | Tagayun, Vicente A. |
purch |
13249 | Estimating households' willingness to pay for wastewater treatment in selected traditional agro-food processing villages, Nhue-Day River Basin, Vietnam | agro-food processing village; wastewater; wastewater treatment; community health; environment; wastewater management; willingness to pay; Vietnam | Tran Thi Thu Trang |
theses |
3260 | Estimating input demand and output elasticities in gillnet and siene fishing in Guimaras Strait and adjacent waters | Pestaño, M.C.T. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |