ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
1989 | Evaluating an information project: A letter to a Project Manager. | capacity building evaluation information management methods project evaluation | Mook, B. |
book | isnar research management guidelines no. 8 |
2010 | Evaluating capacity development: Experiences from research and development organizations around the world. | capacity development partnerships evaluation participatory research rural development organizational change Bangladesh Ghana Philippines Vietnam Nicaragua | Horton, D.; Alexaki, A.; Lartey, S.B.; Brice, K.N.; Campilan, D.; |
book |
6677 | Evaluating four bioassay techniques for insecticide resistance monitoring in helicoverpa armigera (lepidoptera: noctuidae). | helicoverpa armigera insecticide resistance monitoring | Geremew Terefe; Surachate Jamornmarn; Praparat Hormchan; Apichai Daorai; Supranee Impithuksa |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
464 | Evaluating insecticidal activity of microbials in a four-step bioassay system | insecticidal activity microbials bioassay system | book | prap leaflet no. 13 |
2621 | Evaluating microfinance program innovation with randomized control trials: An example from group versus individual lending. | microfinance product innovation lending | Gine, Xavier; Harigaya, Tomoko; Karlan, Dean; Nguyen, Binh T. |
book | erd technical note series no. 16 |
4769 | Evaluating organizational capacity in participatory research : The case of the Northern Philippines Roots Crops Research and Training Center (NPRCRTC). | The case of the Northern Philippines Roots Crops Research and Training Center (NPRCRTC). | participatory research capacity root crops UPWARD NPRCRTC capacity development Philippines | Campilan, D.M.; Perez, J.C.; Sim, J.M.; Boncodin, R.M. |
serials | bsu research journal |
381 | Evaluating primary education : Qualitative and quantitative policy studies in Thailand. | Qualitative and quantitative policy studies in Thailand. | Primary education primary schools quality of education evaluation access to education educational output rural areas regional disparity Thailand school-community relationships educational statistics research methodology | Amrung Chantavanich; Supang Chantavanich; Fry, G.W. |
book |
14380 | Evaluating the environmental impact of agricultural policies | GHG; nutrient balance; biodiversity; nitrogen runoff; producer support | Henderson, Ben; Lankoski, Jussi |
weblinks | agriculture and fisheries papers no. 130 |
5196 | Evaluating the many benefits of sugarcane trash farming systems. | conventional farming energy savings nitrogen fertilizer phosphorus fertilizer plant crop ratoon crop sugarcane trash farming trash mulch | Mendoza, T.C.; Samson, R.; Helwig, T. |
serials | philippine journal of crop science |
3027 | Evaluating the pilot implementation of payment for forest environmental services in Lam Dong, Vietnam. | forest environmental Lam Dong stakeholders payment for forest environmental services PES environmental services | Nguyen Thi Y Ly |
book |