List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
6076 Ex-tuba gatherer makes big in cornmilling and farming. corn milling Bioseed price

Pablico, Sosimo Ma.

serials agriculture magazine

3155 Examining how long fallow Swidden systems impact upon livelihood and ecosystem service outcomes compared with alternative land-uses in the uplands swidden fallow system ecosystem services

Wolfram Dressler; David Wilson; Jessuca Clendenning; Rob Cramb; Sango Mahanty; Rodel Lasco; Rodney Keenan

book cifor working paper no. 174

7719 Examining interest rate linkages among ASEAN-5, China and India. Interest rate linkages ASEAN macroeconomic stabilization asset prices

Ramesh Mohan; Boaz Nandwa

serials asean economic bulletin

16294 Examining Malaysian household expenditure patterns on food-away-from-home household expenditure; expenditure; FAFH; Malaysia

Siew Heng, Helen Lee; Tan Khee Guan, Andrew

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

9178 Examining substitution patterns between domestic and imported agricultural products for broccoli, kiwifruit, rice and apples in Japan. agricultural economics price elasticity

Hideo Aizaki

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

8130 Examining tha changes in novice and experienced mathematics teachers' questioning techniques through the lesson study process. lesson study questioning techniques experience teachers novice teachers professional development

Ong, Ewe G.; Lim, Chap S.; Ghazali, Munira G.

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

14969 Examining the climate finance gap for small-scale agriculture small-scale producers; sustainable agriculture; rural poor; climate finance tracking

Chiriac, Daniela; Naran, Baysa


1960 Excess investment and efficiency loss during reforms : The case of provincial-level fixed asset investment in People's Republic of China. investment China

Duo Qin; Haiyan Song

book erd working paper series no. 47

20 Exchange controls: the path to economic recovery in Asia?. exchange controls economic recovery Malaysia book edrc briefing notes number 4

7717 Exchange rate policy in Vietnam, 1985-2008. foreign exchange market exchange rate policy exchange rates

Nguyen Tran Phuc; Nguyen Duc-Tho

serials asean economic bulletin