List of Materials : 16539

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2530 Experience of crisis-hit Asian countries: Do asset management companies increase moral hazard? asset management bank management financial crises moral hazard

Terada-Hagiwara, Akiko; Pasadilla, Gloria

book pids research paper series no. 2005-01

6325 Experience quality environment at the Binahon agroforestry farm. agroforestry livelihood fruit trees vegetables forest trees

Domoguen, Robert

serials agriculture magazine

8589 Experience to appreciate. agritourism organic farm transplanting weaving serials agriculture magazine

1183 Experiences and lessons learned at the Department of Agriculture. bureaucracy policy concerns

Escudero, Salvador H.

book working paper no. 99-08

1185 Experiences and lessons learned at the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. decision making governance bureaucracy

Ramos, Victor O.

book working paper no. 99-10

1268 Experiences in sustainable agriculture in Southeast Asia. sustainable agriculture farming systems organic matter

Kamaruddin Abdullah; Miyato Higaki (eds.)


3104 Experiencing and coping with change: women-headed farming households in the Eastern Gangetic Plains. climate-resilient agriculture women-headed households women in agriculture climate change effects women's multiple roles farming practices changes

Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt

book aciar technical report series

16591 Experiencing Vietnamese coffee Vietnamese coffee; farmers; coffee farm

Ocampo, Cel Cadahing

serials agriculture magazine

3267 Experimental culture of Acartia plumosa: a copepod for use in marine fish hatcheries

Sunyoto, A.; Diani, S.; Supriatna, A.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

7485 Experimental Measurement of Specific Gravity of Oncomelania hupensis and Its Eggs. oncomelania hupensis snail egg specific gravity

Xingjian Xu; Xianxiang Yang; Chuanhua Yu; Wei Zhang; Qingsang Pan; Zhengan Xiong

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science