ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
6076 | Ex-tuba gatherer makes big in cornmilling and farming. | corn milling Bioseed price | Pablico, Sosimo Ma. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
3155 | Examining how long fallow Swidden systems impact upon livelihood and ecosystem service outcomes compared with alternative land-uses in the uplands | swidden fallow system ecosystem services | Wolfram Dressler; David Wilson; Jessuca Clendenning; Rob Cramb; Sango Mahanty; Rodel Lasco; Rodney Keenan |
book | cifor working paper no. 174 |
7719 | Examining interest rate linkages among ASEAN-5, China and India. | Interest rate linkages ASEAN macroeconomic stabilization asset prices | Ramesh Mohan; Boaz Nandwa |
serials | asean economic bulletin |
16294 | Examining Malaysian household expenditure patterns on food-away-from-home | household expenditure; expenditure; FAFH; Malaysia | Siew Heng, Helen Lee; Tan Khee Guan, Andrew |
serials | asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad) |
9178 | Examining substitution patterns between domestic and imported agricultural products for broccoli, kiwifruit, rice and apples in Japan. | agricultural economics price elasticity | Hideo Aizaki |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
8130 | Examining tha changes in novice and experienced mathematics teachers' questioning techniques through the lesson study process. | lesson study questioning techniques experience teachers novice teachers professional development | Ong, Ewe G.; Lim, Chap S.; Ghazali, Munira G. |
serials | journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia |
14969 | Examining the climate finance gap for small-scale agriculture | small-scale producers; sustainable agriculture; rural poor; climate finance tracking | Chiriac, Daniela; Naran, Baysa |
weblinks |
1960 | Excess investment and efficiency loss during reforms : The case of provincial-level fixed asset investment in People's Republic of China. | investment China | Duo Qin; Haiyan Song |
book | erd working paper series no. 47 |
20 | Exchange controls: the path to economic recovery in Asia?. | exchange controls economic recovery Malaysia | book | edrc briefing notes number 4 |
7717 | Exchange rate policy in Vietnam, 1985-2008. | foreign exchange market exchange rate policy exchange rates | Nguyen Tran Phuc; Nguyen Duc-Tho |
serials | asean economic bulletin |