List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
7558 Extensional Flow Characteristics of Milk and Soy Set Yogurts with Polysaccharide Additives. soy yogurt milk yogurt extensional flow texture squeezing flow

Sukanya Wichchukit; Bandit Jarimopas

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

318 External finance and the role of multilateral financial institutions in South Asia: changing patterns, prospects and challenges external finance financial institutions South Asia

Jungsoo Lee

book adb economic staff paper no.50

5944 External hot water treatment: A cheaper alternative to costly vapor heat treatment in mango. mangoes hot water treatment

Provido, Noel T.

serials agriculture magazine

1848 External impact assessment of IFPRI's 2020 vision for food, agriculture, and the environment initiative. impact assessment food needs poverty

Paarlberg, R.L.

book impact assessment discussion paper no. 10

5875 Extra-label use of drugs in animals. drugs animals extra-label drug prescription drugs over-the-counter drugs

Landicho, Elito Ferry

serials agriculture magazine

6443 Extracellular Halophilic Ribonuclease from a Halotolerant Pseudomonas sp.: Purification and Characterization. halophilic enzyme ribonuclease halotolerant bacteria Pseudomonas sp. purification

Werasit Kanlayakrit; Anan Boonpan; Takahiro Ikeda; Somporn Tojai

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

5114 Extraction and characterization of cashew nut shell liquid (CNSL) cashew nut shells physicochemical properties mechanical extraction thermomechanical extraction IR spectra chemical analysis

Fidel, Mildred M.; Palanginan, Irma I.; Dionglay, Mariluz S.P.; Bato, Rebecca C.; Tamayo, Jennifer P.; Garcia, Carolyn Marie C.

serials fprdi journal

5145 Extraction and property evaluation of limonene from Manila elemi (Canarium spp.) oil as air freshener. Manila elemi oil limonene air freshener

Palanginan, I.I.

serials fprdi journal

8905 Extraction methods for analysis of oil palm leaf and root proteins by two dimensional gel electrophoresis. oil palm protein extraction gel electrophoresis

Hassan, H.; Lau, B.Y.C.; Ramli, U.S.

serials journal of oil palm research

12407 Extraction of paddy rice field by applying tasseled cap, NDVI and RVI of Landsat TM7. information technology natural resources management remote sensing land cover vegetation indices paddy field non-rice field rice-harvested area rice field cultivation Indonesia

Bountheo Hemmany
