List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
11246 Fallow reduction in highland shifting cultivation in Nothern Thailand. shifting cultivation farming systems upland rice fallow systems BNF

Prasit Wangpakapattanawong; Thomas, D.E.

biotech soil fertility matters

5048 False Spider Cave Crab (Cancrocaeca xenomorpha). Hymenosomatidae

Deharveng, L.; Guinot, D.

serials asean biodiversity

14944 Family farm is also a tree sanctuary and a home for rescued Taal horses farm; horse; mangoes; crops; native trees; farm tourism

Tan, Yvette

serials agriculture magazine

13962 Family farms as key to food security family farms; food security; SEARCA; MoCA Family Farm; farm tourism serials agriculture magazine

15028 Family rest house is now an agritourism site that offers a taste of real Filipino charm agritourism; farming

Taculao, Patricia Bianca S.

serials agriculture magazine

9567 FAO Agricultural Development Economics Division publications 2003 - 2006. trade and poverty agricultural trade policy macroeconomic impacts food aid food security early warning systems land use carbon sequestration hunger poverty alleviation cd

11266 FAO enters biotechnology debate. biotechnology organic farming rural development food security biotech far eastern agriculture

9548 FAO on the Internet. food security agriculture food and nutrition plant and animal production forestry and fisheries land and water development economic and social development commodities trade legislative studies and investment sustainable development cd

9569 FAO on the Internet. food security agriculture food and nutrition plant and animal production forestry and fisheries land and water development economic and social development commodities trade legislative studies and investment sustainable development cd

9497 FAO on-line catalogue. food agriculture bibliographic database publications on-line catalogue researches cd