List of Materials : 16539

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
12782 Factors related to agricultural land use of smallholder farmers in Ouheng Village, Cambodia. land use land tenure security smallholder farmers agricultural land land holding crop change patterns land management practice

Sodany Thoung


11769 Factors related to motivation and job performance on agricultural extension workers in Eastern Thailand motivation job performance agricultural extension workers Thailand

Jinda Khlibtong


11831 Factors related to volunteerism among nonformal education volunteers in Central Thailand extension education nonformal education volunteers Thailand

Visanu Yamcharoon


12519 Factors relating farmers' adoption of rice register seed cultivation Tha Dock Kham 1 in Saythany District, Vientiane capital, Lao PDR. farmers adoption rice seed Lao PDR

Bounsu Soudmaly


11976 Factors that influence the level of success of group farming in the farmers' cooperative, West Malaysia agricultural extension farming farmers' cooperative Malaysia

Mohd. Safian Bin Mohd. Husin


11175 Facts about Bt corn in the Philippines. Bacillus thuringiensis : Bt genetically modified crops DNA biotechnology biosafety crop production Philippines

Ebora, Reynaldo V.

biotech uplb horizon

11065 Facts about cooperation : Philippines and IRRI rice research population growth post harvest technology irrigated lowland resource ecosystems nitrogen fixation genetic conservation Asian Rice Biotechnology Network : ARBN pest management biodiversity biotech

2914 Facts and myths about organic fertilizers. organic fertilizers soil conditioners soil productivity crops nutrient cycles soil nutrients organic fertilizers green manure inorganic fertilizers farm wastes crop residue soil organic matter rice straw recycling farm wastes biofertilizers mineral fertilizers

Mamaril, Cezar P.; Castillo, Michelle B.; Sebastian, Leocadio S.


6978 Facts you'd like to know about ampalaya. ampalaya bitter gourd vegetables health benefits nutritional benefits recipes serials agriculture magazine

12060 Faculty mobility in selected state colleges and universities in the Philippines agricultural school administration Faculty mobility state colleges universities

Tango, Antonio T.
