List of Materials : 16539

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
12435 Farmer's perspective of state of well-being and benefits from participation in an NGO agricultural extension project. well-being participation rural development farmers rice farming nongovernmental organizations

Libunao, Wilfredo H.


1285 Farmer's primer on growing soybean on riceland. soybean tillage fertilizer planting harvesting yields cropping systems growth stages

Pandey, R.K.


12550 Farmer-driven approach and its contributions to farmer empowerment in the village extension system of Lao PDR. farmers empowerment extension farmers participation Lao PDR

Souvanthong Namvong


2311 Farmer-led integrated watershed management: Trainers' resource book. integrated watershed management social profiling gender analysis empowerment participation food security community forestry marginal land rehabilitation

Sen, Chandra K.; Partap, Tej; Sharma, Prem N. (eds.)


1869 Farmer-led organizations in natural resources management. natural resources management farmers associations research upland local organizations watershed management community-based forest management Landcare approach community organizing integrated area development social capital partnership MYRADA

Gonsalves, J.F.; Queblatin, E.E. (eds.)


6093 Farmers can do extension work. farmers Farmer-Led Extension Program

Domoguen, Robert L.

serials agriculture magazine

14245 Farmers experience 'a whole new world' with the help of a Disney-inspired startup company farmers; online stores; seaweeds; cottonii; vegetable kits; urban farmers

Taculao, Patricia Bianace S.

serials agriculture magazine

5458 Farmers find money in carbonized rice hull. rice hull carbonized rice hull yield organic farming serials the philippine agriculture magazine

14046 Farmers grow recommended cacao varieties through CPAR farmers; cacao; varieties; harvests; Community-based Participatory Action Research

Dela Cruz, Rita T.

serials agriculture magazine

7150 Farmers in Camarines Sur benefit from grain drying facilities. flatbed dryer farmers association grains Camarines Sur

Cariaga, Karen Mei R.

serials agriculture magazine