List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
3715 Fast, quiet poultry vaccination now possible. vaccinator chicken serials agriculture

4892 Faster direct seeding with less seeds with mechanical paddy seeder. Paddy seeder : Agricultural machinery and equipment Philippines

Pablico, Sosimo Ma.

serials agriculture

8721 Faster method to identify salmonella developed. salmonella bacteria

Sison, Jaime A.

serials agriculture magazine

11118 Fat facts and fiction : The skinny on dietary fat and lover-fat foods. fatty acid obesity calories low-fat foods fat replacers fat-free foods biotech reprinted from food insight, sept/oct 1997

3885 Fat facts aren't always facts. Fats

Enig, Mary G.

serials the philippine journal of coconut studies

11120 Fat replacers : Scientific status summary. genetic engineering fat substitutes fat mimetics sucrose fatty acid polyesters fat replacers sucrose fatty acid esters : SFE emulsifiers dialkyl dihexadecylmalonate : DDM protein carbohydrates biotech

1359 Fatal flaws in food safety assessment : Critique of the joint FAO/WHO biotechnology and food safety report. food safety genetic engineering biotechnology safety assessment

Mae-Wan Ho; Steinbrecher, R.A.

book twn biotechnology and biosafety series 1

1408 Fate of pesticides in the environment : Proceedings of a technical seminar. pesticides organophosphorus carbamate esters insecticides herbicides fungicides bactericides fumigants nematicides volatilization microbial metabolism photodecomposition residues aldicard diazinon malathion phenoxy herbicides

Biggar, J.W.; Seiber, J.N. (eds.)


14539 Father and daughter duo tell the story of T'boli farmers through coffee coffee; business; coffee processing; T'boli; Cotabato

Dukha, Angel B. III

serials agriculture magazine

14541 Father and daughter put up an organization to teach Mindanao youth the basics of urban gardening urban gardening; school garden; youth; Zamboanga

Tan, Yvette

serials agriculture magazine