List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
4269 Feed firm's target: Backyard hog raisers. Purina feed manufacturers feeds hogs artificial insemination media exposure civic projects

Sarian, Z.B.

serials agriculture

11593 Feed intake and growth of creep-fed suckling pigs. animal physiology growth creep-fed suckling pigs Philippines



4375 Feed-based aquaculture production strategies (First of two parts). aquaculture enterprise production ecosystem water quality feed quality protein amino acids fat feeds

Sison, J.A.

serials agriculture

4390 Feed-based aquaculture production strategies (Last of two parts). feeds feed quality feed quatity feeding level feed storage feed handling stock quality stocking density management practices

Sison, J.A.

serials agriculture

11660 Feeding and management practices of baby pigs. feeding pigs Thailand

Boonlue Phuagphong


8174 Feeding ecology of tree-climbing mangrove sesarmid crabs from Luzon, Philippines. mangrove crabs sesarmid crabs climbing skills burrowing skills arboreal climbing skills Catanduanes Philippines

Msagca, Jimmy T.

serials biotropia: the southeast asian journal of tropical biology

4475 Feeding management and strategies for lactating dairy cows under heat stress. dairy cows heat stress water intake nutrient density fiber fat protein minerals feed additives feeding frequency

Lee, Churng-Faung

serials fftc extension bulletin 530

8869 Feeding of fodder-sugarcane silage to Holstein cows. fodder Holstein cows chemical composition lactating cows milk production

Tomoyuki Suzuki; Takeo sakaigaichi; Mitsuru Kamiya; Yuko Kamiya; Ikuo Hattori; Kenzi Sato; Takayoshi Terauchi

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

4221 Feeding people in Mindanao's upland and war-torn areas. Pagkain Para sa Masa program training farmers

Pablico, S.M.

serials agriculture

16338 Feeding the future: Knowledge and perceptions of the Filipino youth toward agriculture agricultural development; social survey; youth perceptions

Mercado, Kringle Marie P.; Osbahr, Henny

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)