List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
13635 Financing higher education - Worldwide perspective and policy options higher education; finance; industrialization; tuition fees

Johnstone, D. Bruce

book thf working paper series no.6/2015

2645 Financing options for millennium development goals of the Philippines. millennium development goals human development poverty malnutrition education health water supply and sanitation employment income governance book

2856 Financing programs for micro enterprises. laons enterprises book

350 Financing public sector development expenditure in selected countries: Bangladesh government budget tax structure investment saving public enterprises

Abdul Ghafur; Chowdhury, O. H.


351 Financing public sector development expenditure in selected countries: India India financing savings public expenditure public enterprises

Sarma, J.V.M.; Rao, M. G.


352 Financing public sector development expenditure in selected countries: Indonesia Indonesia resource gap government budget tax savings investment enterprises book

354 Financing public sector development expenditure in selected countries: Nepal Nepal savings expenditure public enterprises tax reform

Devendra Raj Panday; Dilli Raj Khanal; Sriram Raj Pande


353 Financing public sector development expenditure in selected countries: Pakistan Pakistan public investment savings tax structure

Javed Hamid; Shahid Amjad Chaudhary; Muntazar Bashir Ahmad; Ehsan ul Haque


349 Financing public sector development expenditure in selected countries: Thailand Thailand financing investment saving performance

Medhi Krongkaew; Dow Mongkolsamai; Varakorn Samakoses


2833 Financing sustainable forest management. forest financing non-government organizations timber extraction capital markets environmental services climate change REDD WWF

Halladay, Patricia; Wit, Marieke (eds.)

book etfrn news no. 49