List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1216 Financing your business. financing methodologies business credit resources capital generation

Damaso, Jimeno M.


2182 Finding a natural path to sustainability : Case studies of South Asian farmers practicing sustainable agriculture. sustainable agriculture farmers' rights Caritas book

5711 Finding new ways to protect and preserve plant genetic resources. germplasm genebanking rice garlic clones pines retrotransposons grapes serials the philippine agriculture magazine

8970 Finding rice traits that tackle climate-change challenges. rice climate change carbon dioxide

Perry, Ann

serials agriculture magazine

6075 Finding simple joy and therapy in the Darag native chicken. native chicken Darag

Villar, Edwin C.

serials agriculture magazine

8292 Finding the right corn hybrid for your farm. corn hybrid yield performance agronomic traits maturity

Nieves, Allan C.

serials agriculture magazine

4938 Findings show how to reduce weeds in rice-onion systems. Weeds and weed control herbicide application handweeding rice straw mulch rice hull burning tillage mulching

Pablico, Sosimo Ma.

serials agriculture

1461 Fine preserving. jam jelly fruit vegetables food preservation pickles

Plagemann, Catherine


7154 Fingerprinting helps ease rice breeding. DNA fingerprinting molecular marker technology rice crop breeding

Solsoloy, Maria Adrielle D.

serials agriculture magazine

8914 Finishing of thermally modified Malapapaya (Polyscias nodosa Blume (Seem)] wood using commercial and formulated coatings. finishing Polyscias nodosa coating Agathis philippinensis

Jimenez Jr., Juanito P.; Palisoc, Josefina G.

serials philippine forestry products journal