List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
15487 First report on the reproductive biology of the redtail scad Decapterus kurroides Bleeker, 1855 in Iligan Bay, Southern Philippines Decapterus kurroides; fecundity; length at maturity; sex ratio; spawning; Iligan Bay

Dela Rosa, Harry Kenn T.; Quiñones, Mariefe B.; Jimenez, Cesaria R.; Garcia, Jerry P.; Molina, Dionel L.; Samson, Jeanette J.; Paghasian, Margarita C.

serials the philippine journal of fisheries

15297 First report on the use of the larval catcher type trawl net for the efficient sampling of juveniles of two tuna species (Thunnus orientalis and T. albacares) in the offshore waters of the Nansei Islands, Japan otolith daily increment; recruitment; sampling gear; spawning ground

Toshiyuki Tanabe; Yosuke Miyazaki; Kenji Nohara; Nobuaki Suzuki; Takao Yoshimatsu

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

12912 First solar-powered knapsack sprayer introduced to the country NEXPRO sprayer technologies solar panel serials

4317 First soybeans grown in space similar to earth-grown crops. soybeans space exploration plant production serials agriculture

13808 First steps in building consensus for a new rice sector roadmap rice;

Javier, Emil Q.

serials agriculture magazine

10397 First things first: To live, to love, to learn, to leave a legacy. conduct of life; time management; personal leadership; empowerment

Covey, Stephen R.; Merrill, A. Roger; Merrill, Rebecca R.


13407 First time sweet corn grower in Zambales sweet corn; serials agriculture magazine

9872 First, break all the rules: What the world's greatest managers do differently. managers; leaders; employees; performance management

Buckingham, Marcus; Coffman, Curt


2756 Fiscal decentralization in Cambodia: A review of progress and challenges. fiscal decentralization service delivery

Kimchoeun, Pak

book cdri working paper series no. 50

7718 Fiscal policy challenges in Timor Leste: Is the resources curse on the horizon?. macroeconomic performance fiscal policy budget execution resource curse

Doraisami, Anita

serials asean economic bulletin