List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
12716 Floating garden tomato production, water quality degradation and sustainable livelihood in Inle Lake, Shan State, Myanmar. tomato floating garden fertilizers organic nutrients bioaccumulation inle lake

Zin Mar Lwin


6046 Floating tiller makes farming easy. farming floating tillers

Biag, Hanah Hazel Mavi

serials agriculture magazine

15994 Flood early warning system: Viable low-cost adaptation for lakeshore municipalities in the Sta. Cruz river watershed climate change; flood early warning system; watershed; Sta Cruz, Laguna; Philippines

Arias, Jaimie Kim B.; Dorado, Rowena A.; Mendoza, Maria Emilinda T.; Ballaran, Vicente G. Jr.

serials searca agriculture and development notes 2014 3-4

7619 Flood forecasting system development for the upper Ping River basin. flood forecasting system rainfall-runoff model hydrodynamic model flood routing flood hydrographs

Nutchanart Sriwongsitanon

serials the kasetsart journal

15069 Flood hazard assessment of residential areas outside the protected area of the Red River dike system in Hanoi, Vietnam flood risk management; inundation depth level; two-dimensional hydrodynamic model; agricultural engineering

Anh, Sai Hong; Tabata, Toshinori; Hiramatsu, Kazuaki; Harada, Masayoshi

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

6440 Flood Investigation in the Upper Ping River Basin Using Mathematical Models. IHACRES model FLDWAV model upper Ping River basin

Wisuwat Taesombat; Nutchanart Sriwongsitanon

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

16068 Flood- and typhoon-proofing communities: Learning from the Vietnam experience climate change; disaster; typhoon; flood proofing

Calumpang, Lorna M.

serials searca policy brief series 2008-7

12162 Floral inventory and assessment of MT. Amuyao Mossy Forest (Luzon, Philippines) for biodiversity resources conservation and management environmental science biodiversity resources resources conservation Floral inventory Mt. Amuyao Mossy Forest Luzon

Salcedo, Precila V.G.


14034 Floristics of cacao agroforestry in the Mata Atlantica of southern Bahia, Brazil cacao; agrofrorestry; cabruca; forests

Young, Katherine J.

serials tropical resources

2228 Flow: The essentials of environmental flows. water infrastructure rivers groundwater systems environmental flow cost and benefits

Dyson, Megan; Bergkamp, Ger; Scanlon, John (eds.)
