ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
11128 | Food for thought II. | food and health food safety food and nutrition | biotech |
11292 | Food from GMOs: Human health and food safety. | biotechnology gene transfer food safety human health BT corn allergenicity | Lizada, Concepcion Claudio |
biotech |
3284 | Food habits of two sciaenid fish species (Pseudotolithus typus and Pseudotolithus senegalensis) off Cameroon | Tientcheu, J.Y. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |
2805 | Food insecurity in fragile lands: Philippine cases through the livelihood lens. | less-favored areas rural households livelihood Philippines | Roa, Julieta R. |
book |
11174 | Food insight : Media guide on food safety and nutrition. | Media guide on food safety and nutrition. | science and nutrition food safety food and nutrition genetics food allergy food additives food control food technology pesticides food production agriculture functional foods food irradiation food biotechnology | biotech |
8344 | Food intake and lifestyle practices of business process outsourcing (BPO) workers from Cainta, Rizal and Los Baños, Laguna. | business process outsourcing food intake lifestyle practices | Barrion, Aimee Sheree A.; Villegas, Aileen Fay M.; Yee, Marites G. |
serials | journal of human ecology |
774 | Food legume improvement for Asian farming systems | Thailand Philippines Indonesia India Australia food legumes farming systems feeds productivity biological factors genetic factors climatological factors | Wallis, E.S.; Byth, D.E. (eds.) |
book | aciar proceedings no.18 |
13193 | Food Matters: Food security and the future of food | food supply; food security; food safety measures; sustainable agriculture; agricultural revolution; green revolution; food production; livestock production systems; vegetables; fruits; gene revolution; emerging technologies; growing; urban farming; seed; sapling; urban agriculture; diet; nutrition; public health; globalisation; environment; mitigating; fisheries; food web; climate; agricultural supply chain; entrepreneurship | Paul Teng; Manda Foo |
book |
10582 | Food microbiology: An introduction. | food microbiology microbial growth foodborne pathogenic bacteria lactic acid bacteria fermentation chemical antimicrobials food preservation sanitation food safety nonthermal processing | Montville, Thomas J.; Matthews, Karl R.; Kniel, Kalmia E. |
purch |
13199 | Food outlook 2018: Biannual report on global food markets | wheat; coarse grains; rice; oilcrops; oils; meals; sugar; meat; meat products; milk; milk products; fish; fishery products; market assessments; market indicators; policy developments; dairy; prices; production; consumption; stocks | weblinks |