List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
11128 Food for thought II. food and health food safety food and nutrition biotech

11292 Food from GMOs: Human health and food safety. biotechnology gene transfer food safety human health BT corn allergenicity

Lizada, Concepcion Claudio


3284 Food habits of two sciaenid fish species (Pseudotolithus typus and Pseudotolithus senegalensis) off Cameroon

Tientcheu, J.Y.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

2805 Food insecurity in fragile lands: Philippine cases through the livelihood lens. less-favored areas rural households livelihood Philippines

Roa, Julieta R.


11174 Food insight : Media guide on food safety and nutrition. Media guide on food safety and nutrition. science and nutrition food safety food and nutrition genetics food allergy food additives food control food technology pesticides food production agriculture functional foods food irradiation food biotechnology biotech

8344 Food intake and lifestyle practices of business process outsourcing (BPO) workers from Cainta, Rizal and Los Baños, Laguna. business process outsourcing food intake lifestyle practices

Barrion, Aimee Sheree A.; Villegas, Aileen Fay M.; Yee, Marites G.

serials journal of human ecology

774 Food legume improvement for Asian farming systems Thailand Philippines Indonesia India Australia food legumes farming systems feeds productivity biological factors genetic factors climatological factors

Wallis, E.S.; Byth, D.E. (eds.)

book aciar proceedings no.18

13193 Food Matters: Food security and the future of food food supply; food security; food safety measures; sustainable agriculture; agricultural revolution; green revolution; food production; livestock production systems; vegetables; fruits; gene revolution; emerging technologies; growing; urban farming; seed; sapling; urban agriculture; diet; nutrition; public health; globalisation; environment; mitigating; fisheries; food web; climate; agricultural supply chain; entrepreneurship

Paul Teng; Manda Foo


10582 Food microbiology: An introduction. food microbiology microbial growth foodborne pathogenic bacteria lactic acid bacteria fermentation chemical antimicrobials food preservation sanitation food safety nonthermal processing

Montville, Thomas J.; Matthews, Karl R.; Kniel, Kalmia E.


13199 Food outlook 2018: Biannual report on global food markets wheat; coarse grains; rice; oilcrops; oils; meals; sugar; meat; meat products; milk; milk products; fish; fishery products; market assessments; market indicators; policy developments; dairy; prices; production; consumption; stocks weblinks