List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
12888 Food poisoning incident sparks food safety concerns in Caraga Region food safety Food Safe Caraga

Yap, Julio P., Jr.

serials agriculture magazine

215 Food Policy: Frameworks for analysis and action food policy analysis nutrition production aspects

Mann, Charles K.; Huddleston, Barbara


2924 Food prices and inflation in developing Asia: Is poverty reduction coming to an end? Special Report. food prices markets poverty food security China Indonesia

James, William E.


1083 Food processing equipment in Asia and the Pacific food processing food industry sanitation design equipment China Fiji Hong Kong India Malaysia Philippines Singapore Thailand book

211 Food processing industry in Asia and the Pacific Indonesia Malaysia Philippines Singapore Thailand food processing food industry Japan food consumption policies food manufacturing book

9335 Food processing machines available for rent. thermally processed food vaccum fryer spray dryer vacuum sealer freeze dryer band sealer serials agriculture magazine

2004 Food processing. food preservation spoilage fruit preservation vegetable preservation meat preservation poultry preservation egg preservation fish preservation vinegar preparation wine preparation book

13560 Food production and nature conservation - Conflicts and solutions food production; nature conservation; food security; protected areas; ecosystem services; agricultural intensification; diversity; genetic diversity; pasture cropping purch

16033 Food production ecosystem for increased productivity food production; food policy; technology; entrepreneurship; productivity

Shamsudin, Mad Nasir

serials searca agriculture and development notes 2021 9-7

10155 Food production management. food production food service system manpower production planning sanitation safety environmental management weights and measures market list market survey yield testing raw food test canned test purchase specifications butchers test cooking test recipe development recipe standardization recipe quantification recipe costing selling price production equipment production area planning tools

Samson, Janil Jose F.; Borja, Mitchell A.
