ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
2517 | Food security and environment protection in the new millennium : Proceedings of the Asian Agriculture Congress 24-27 April 2001, Manila, Philippines. | food security animal production systems crop productivity environmental protection crop yield stability information technology chemical fertilizers rice cultivars yam tubers ethrel sodium metabisulfite hydrogen peroxide safety assessment foods feeds sugarcane food security women rice nitrogen induced mutation tillage practices corn production forage crops soil and water conservation practices WOCAT extension services Chinese cabbage abaca wheat Escherichia coli rice seed storage abiotic stress tolerance Chromolaena odorata Procecidochares connexa fertilizer inputs lowland-based farming systems coconut leaf pruning salinity stress rice seedlings leaf trichones eggplant leafhopper marginal agricultural lands land evaluation sustainable development biotechnology environmental protection Amrasca biguttula | Virmani, S.S.; Brar, D.S.; Mamaril, C.P.; Arboleda, C.R. (eds.) |
book |
2778 | Food security and nutrition in Cambodia: Pattern and pathways. | food security nutrition economic growth | Ecker, Olivier; Diao, Xinshen |
book | special report 10 |
11066 | Food security in Asia : Vision for research and development. | Vision for research and development. | biotechnology food security Asia integrated pest management transgenic crops Bacillus thuringiensis : Bt genes green revolution plant breeding poverty alleviation | Borlaug, Norman E. |
biotech |
225 | Food security in Asia and the Pacific | food security trade liberalization food production women | book |
14828 | Food security in Asia and the Pacific amid the COVID-19 pandemic | food security; COVID 19; supply and demand; food supply chain; disruptions; international food trade; lockdowns; Asia and the Pacific | weblinks | adb briefs no. 139 |
16239 | Food security in Asia and the Pacific: The role of smallholders | food security; agricultural transformation; green evolution; production; consumption; agri-food industry; productivity growth; environmental problems; land and tenure security; water shortages; diversification; climate change; risk and vulnerability; technological innovations; conservation agriculture; biotechnology; organic agriculture; contract farming; supply chains; information and communication technology; small farms; family farms | Thapa, Ganesh; Gaiha, Raghav |
serials | asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad) |
11005 | Food security in bioengineering. | biotechnology food security genetically engineered foods pesticides herbicides genetics Bt corn weeds | biotech | mindanao times |
15636 | Food security in China | food security; food reserve; nutrition; food for poor; grain production capacity; food market system; macroeconomic regulation; grain industry economy; food science and technology; innovation system; international cooperation; China | The State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China |
book |
2882 | Food security in East Timor, Papua New Guinea and Pacific island countries and territories. | food security crop varieties freshwater aquaculture production East Timor Papua New Guinea | Templeton, Debbie (ed.) |
book | aciar technical reports no. 80 |
8322 | Food security in Thailand: Status, rural poor vulnerability, and some policy options. | thailand food security agricultural policy rural poor vulnerability policy options | Isvilanonda, Somporn; Bunyasiri, Isriya |
serials | fftc extension bulletin 625 |