ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
1741 | Foreign direct investment in developing Asia : Trends, effects, and likely issues for the forthcoming WTO negotiations | foreign direct investment WTO trade investment | Brooks, Douglas H.; Xiaoqin Fan, Emma; Sumulong, Lea R. |
book | erd working paper series no. 38 |
2767 | Foreign investment in agriculture in Cambodia. | foreign investment agriculture investment policies | Chan Hang, Saing; Socheth, Hem; Chandarany, Ouch; Dalis, Phann; Dorina, Pon |
book | cdri working paper series no. 60 |
8804 | Foreign labor in Singapore: Rationale, policies, impacts and issues. | foreign labor trade capital | Siow Yue Chia |
serials | philippine journal of development |
15806 | Foreign labor shortages in the Malaysian palm oil industry: Impacts and recommendations | migrant labor; palm oil; Malaysia plantations | Crowley, Megan Z. |
serials | asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad) |
8010 | Forest adaptation to climate change - options and limitations. | adaptation strategy Douglas fir drought european beech forest genetics heat provenance silviculture storm | Bolte, Andreas; Degen, Bernd |
serials | landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research |
3004 | Forest and climate change in the Asia-Pacific region : Adaptation challenges and choices. | climate change forest agriculture adaptation mitigation | book |
14984 | Forest Biodiversity Monitoring – Guide to community-based approaches | community-based monitoring; community-based forest management | Welter, Zabrina; Jalonen, Riina |
weblinks |
2308 | Forest carbon and local livelihoods: Assessment of opportunities and policy recommendations. | forest carbon forestry livelihoods forest regeneration forest protection | Smith, Joyotee; Scherr, Sara J. |
book | cifor occasional paper no. 37 |
1133 | Forest ecosystem, environment and development: Where to BFD? | forest resource management | Sajise, Percy E. |
book |
10677 | Forest entomology. | forest pest management insect pests termites neem stone fruits diseases | Kumar, Sanjeev; Thomson, Chris |
purch |