List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
16047 For richer or for poorer… Say I do to supermarkets and live happily ever after? supermarkets; large self service; retail markets

Malicsi, Lorna C.

serials searca policy brief series 2005-11

5960 For the love of family. igloo type charcoal makers vermicompost coconut livelihood

Supino, Socorro R.

serials agriculture magazine

13695 For you, what is the perfect banana banana serials agriculture magazine

5313 Forage cropping system of natural-reseeded barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli) for abandoned paddy fields and its feasibility in mountainous area : [Review]. ryegrass Lolium multiflorum Echinochloa crus-galli productivity cost cropping system

Setsuro Sato; Masayuki Senda

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

2890 Forages and farmers: Case studies from South-East Asia. manure cattle crops livestock coconuts forages legumes pigs

Connell, John; Stur, Werner; Horne, Peter

book aciar monograph no. 142

762 Forages for plantation crops : Proceedings of a workshop, Sanur Beach, Bali, Indonesia, 27-29 June 1990. forage resources forage species plant nutrition animal production livestock tree legumes

Shelton, H. M.; Stur, W. W. (eds.)

book aciar proceedings no.32

767 Forages on red soils in China: Proceedings of a workshop, Lengshuitan, Hunan Province, Peoples' Republic of China, 22-25 April 1991 forage development animal production climatic resources soil characteristics soil conservation socioeconomics land use patterns red soils soil erosion

Horne, P.M.; MacLeod, D.A.; Scott, J.M.

book aciar proceedings no.38

8762 Foraging effects of the invasive alien fish Pterygoplichtys on eggs and first-feeding fry of the native Clarias macrocephalus in Thailand. catfish

Ratcha Chaichana; Santi Pouangcharean; Ruangvich Yoonphand

serials the kasetsart journal

12932 Forced molting extends duck's egg production ducks duck eggs molting serials agriculture magazine

2622 Forecasting inflation and GDP growth: Automatic leading indicator (ALI) method versus macro econometric structural models (MESMs). automatic leading indicator macro econometric structural model inflation gross domestic product

Qin, Duo; Cagas, Marie Anne; Ducanes, Geoffrey; Ramos, Nedelyn M.; Quising, Pilipinas

book erd technical note series no. 18