ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
10949 | Food biotechnology : A communications guide to improving understanding | food biotechnology guidelines nutrition food safety biotechnology | biotech |
10993 | Food biotechnology : an introduction | biotechnology genetics food production food safety plant breeding pest resistance herbicide tolerance nitrogen fixation Agrobacterium genetically modified | Madden, Dean |
biotech |
10803 | Food biotechnology : European and North American regulatory approaches and public acceptance - a traveling workshop. (Summary Report for policy-makers). | biotechnology transgenic crops agri-biotech policy issues biosafety | Zanten, Jasper E. van; Krattiger, A.F.; Hautea, Randy A. |
biotech | isaaa briefs no. 18 |
10987 | Food biotechnology : Science and farming working hand-in-hand. | Science and farming working hand-in-hand. | biotechnology environmental management food production agriculture genetics deoxyribonucleic acid : DNA herbicide gene pesticide insecticide | biotech | afic review paper |
3282 | Food conservation efficiency and the von Bertalanffy growth function, Part II and conclusion : Extension of the new model to the generalized von Bertalanffy growth function. | Temming, A. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |
3283 | Food conversion efficiency and the von Bertalanffy growth function 1: a modification of Pauly's Model | Temming, A. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |
4607 | Food crops: Cinnamomum, kamansi, katurai, malungai, and Mindanao cinnamon. | Cinnamomum mercadoi Artocarpus altilis Sesbania grandiflora Moringa oleifera Cinnamomum mindanaense botanical description distribution site requirements propagation nursery practices plantation establishment pests of plants plant diseases uses phenology seed technology | serials | rise: research information series on ecosystems |
7503 | Food Decorating Longan. | decorating longan edoor firmness calcium chloride | Renu Pinthong; Chanhom Somsa-gnuan |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
1775 | Food for the billions : Asia-Pacific Round Table on Sustainable Agriculture [Proceedings]. | food security food safety biotechnology sustainable agriculture Green revolution natural toxins chemical residues food labelling integrated pest management precision farming health rural transformation | book |
4622 | Food for the brain and heart. | fish food Omega-3 fatty acids nutritive value nutritional benefits heart attack cholesterol | Sison, J.A. |
serials | agriculture |