List of Materials : 16539

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
10155 Food production management. food production food service system manpower production planning sanitation safety environmental management weights and measures market list market survey yield testing raw food test canned test purchase specifications butchers test cooking test recipe development recipe standardization recipe quantification recipe costing selling price production equipment production area planning tools

Samson, Janil Jose F.; Borja, Mitchell A.


10556 Food products from coconut and soya. coconut products soybeans products coconut macaroons coconut cookies nata de coco coco vinegar coco yoghurt coconut polvoron soy sauce soymilk purch business guide series

10200 Food regulation and trade: Toward a safe and open global system. food regulation food supply food safety food quality labeling standards trade WTO genetically modified foods human health risk analysis Doha Agreement TRIPS Agreement SPS Agreement

Josling, Timothy; Roberts, Donna; Orden, David


8265 Food regulation on agrochemicals for ensuring quality and safety of food supply in Japan. regulation agrochemicals japan food supply

Shoji Miyagawa

serials fftc extension bulletin 589

16128 Food reserve management and policies in Southeast Asia rice security; stockpiling; food reserve; food availability; food

Teng, Paul S.; Darvin, Bernice Anne C.


15768 Food reserves: A comparative study on food reserve management and policies in Southeast Asia stockpiling; food reserve

Teng, Paul S.; Darvin, Bernice Anne C.


10870 Food safety - regulating plant agricultural biotechnology in the U.S. food safety agricultural biotechnology genetic engineering Bt corn herbicide tolerant crops food and feed biotech

4648 Food safety and animal production. food safety veterinarians certification verification food quality

Landicho, E.F.

serials agriculture

14506 Food safety and marketability assessment of fresh-cut vegetable mixes sold in Los Banos, Laguna markets fresh-cut vegetables; marketability; supermarket; wet market; vegetable mixes

Sotiangco, lmothes D.; Piamonte, Samuel Brando H.; Castillo-Israel, Katherine Ann T.

serials journal of human ecology

10213 Food safety and sanitation. food safety sanitation food consumption foodborne illnesses contamination microorganisms cooking equipment government HACCP environmental sanitation cleaning agents training pest control food establishments

Mcswane, David; Rue, Nancy; Linton, Richard
