List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
11140 Folic acid : Powerful tool against birth defects. folic acid neural tube spina bifida anencephaly methionine amino acid biotech reprinted from food insight, jul/aug 1995

1948 Folk crafts in Thailand: A collection and study of wickerwork. handicrafts basketry hat cooking utensils fish traps wickerwork farm implements Thailand

Kongkananda, Manote


6287 Following all PalayCheck keys is best, study shows. PalayCheck rice

Antonio, Hazel V.

serials agriculture magazine

15397 FOMO and social networking site usage: Predictors of problematic internet use among college students internet; social media; college students; FOMO; PIU

Cabrera, G.A.; Andal, A.B.A.; Tanganco, G.J.S.; Kallarackal, M.V.; Delariarte, C.F.

serials journal of southeast asian education

11155 Food allergy myths and realities: reprinted from Food Insight, Nov/Dec 1997. food allergy immune system placebo sulfite anaphylaxis biotech

10135 Food and agribusiness yearbook '97. food agriculture export import trade market agribusiness economy population Philippines purch

223 Food and agricultural marketing development in Asia: Experiences and future directions Bangladesh Bhutan Peoples Republic of China India Indonesia Republic of Korea Malaysia Myanmar Nepal Pakistan Philippines Sri Lanka Thailand Vietnam Cooperative marketing Legislations Infrastructure Marketing government organization book

11010 Food and energy. biotechnology poverty agricultural research food production

Baylon, Gloria Jane

biotech philippine post

4527 Food and feeding habits of Synodontis nigrita from the Osun River, SW Nigeria. Synodontis nigrita feeding habits

Olojo, E.A.A.; Olurin, K.B.; Osikoya, O.J.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

9534 Food and Fertilizer Technology Center Database on Asian Agriculture 2004. food technology fertilizer technology Asian agriculture commodity scientific research agriculture resources linkages cd