ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
11140 | Folic acid : Powerful tool against birth defects. | folic acid neural tube spina bifida anencephaly methionine amino acid | biotech | reprinted from food insight, jul/aug 1995 |
1948 | Folk crafts in Thailand: A collection and study of wickerwork. | handicrafts basketry hat cooking utensils fish traps wickerwork farm implements Thailand | Kongkananda, Manote |
book |
6287 | Following all PalayCheck keys is best, study shows. | PalayCheck rice | Antonio, Hazel V. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
15397 | FOMO and social networking site usage: Predictors of problematic internet use among college students | internet; social media; college students; FOMO; PIU | Cabrera, G.A.; Andal, A.B.A.; Tanganco, G.J.S.; Kallarackal, M.V.; Delariarte, C.F. |
serials | journal of southeast asian education |
11155 | Food allergy myths and realities: reprinted from Food Insight, Nov/Dec 1997. | food allergy immune system placebo sulfite anaphylaxis | biotech |
10135 | Food and agribusiness yearbook '97. | food agriculture export import trade market agribusiness economy population Philippines | purch |
223 | Food and agricultural marketing development in Asia: Experiences and future directions | Bangladesh Bhutan Peoples Republic of China India Indonesia Republic of Korea Malaysia Myanmar Nepal Pakistan Philippines Sri Lanka Thailand Vietnam Cooperative marketing Legislations Infrastructure Marketing government organization | book |
11010 | Food and energy. | biotechnology poverty agricultural research food production | Baylon, Gloria Jane |
biotech | philippine post |
4527 | Food and feeding habits of Synodontis nigrita from the Osun River, SW Nigeria. | Synodontis nigrita feeding habits | Olojo, E.A.A.; Olurin, K.B.; Osikoya, O.J. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |
9534 | Food and Fertilizer Technology Center Database on Asian Agriculture 2004. | food technology fertilizer technology Asian agriculture commodity scientific research agriculture resources linkages | cd |