ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
8540 | Fermented plant juice can also provide vitamins and probiotics. | probiotics chicken plant juice | Andres, Reynaldo E. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
11629 | Fermented soybean residue (Tempeh gembus) in beef-loaf formulations. | soybean Tempeh gembus beef-loaf Indonesia | Tatit K. Bunasor |
theses |
3486 | Fermentive production of polyols and utilization for food and other products in Japan | Polyols Food products Japan | Takafumi Kasumi |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
13588 | Fern spore bank established in Bukidnon | fern spore bank | Lapitan, Ma. Kristina Abigail S.; Zaragoza, Eirene Grace C. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
3717 | Ferritin in soybeans may be a good iron source for women. | soybeans iron deficiency ferritin | serials | agriculture |
4778 | Fertility evaluation of soils grown with cutflowers and strawberry. | cutflowers strawberries soil fertility soil chemicophysical properties soil chemical properties fertilizer recommendation | Lengwa, S.B.; Marquez, M.M. |
serials | bsu research journal |
7883 | Fertility management of the soil-rhizosphere system for efficient fertilizer use in vegetable production. | soil-rhizosphere system solution technology drip irrigation localized amendment bio-charcoal application | Ma, Chin H.; Palada, Manuel C. |
serials | fftc extension bulletin 586 |
3195 | Fertilization of hybrid coconut with animal manures and other organic and inorganic fertilizers from field planting to full bearing stage | Coconut fertilization hybrid coconut animal manures organic fertilizer inorganic fertilizer soil fertility management | Secretaria, M.I.; Maravilla, J.N. |
serials | the philippine journal of coconut studies |
4925 | Fertilizer combinations for coconut. | Fertilizing ammonium sulfate chloride manure goat manure coconut husk | Catibog, Noel A. |
serials | agriculture |
11957 | Fertilizer elements and gibberellic acid interaction on the buddability of para rubber (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg.) seedlings for green budding | soil science Fertilizer gibberellic acid rubber Hevea brasiliensis seedlings budding | Kundo Enolilang Pahm |
theses |