List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
7156 Fertilizer from seaweed addresses zinc deficiency in rice, other crops. organic fertilizer seaweeds zinc deficiency

Abello, Melpha M.

serials agriculture magazine

11696 Fertilizer management strategies to alleviate zinc deficiency in irrigated lowland rice fertilizer management strategies zinc lowland rice Philippines

Laud, Domingo B.


5169 Fertilizer pellets made from composted livestock manure. livestock manure animal wastes recycling molding machine compost pellets

Masayuki Hara

serials fftc extension bulletin 506

281 Fertilizer policy in Asia and the Pacific : Proceedings of the APO-EWC Seminar on Fertilizer Policy, Manila, Philippines, July 2-6, 1990. supply and demand fertilizers trade marketing training needs

Saleem Ahmed; Clark, A.L. (eds.)


3895 Fertilizer recommendations for coconut based on soil and leaf analyses. Coconut fertilization soil analysis foliar diagnosis soil properties leaf nutrients

Magat, S.S.

serials the philippine journal of coconut studies

4483 Fertilizer recommendations for sustainable production of orchard fruit in the south of Vietnam. fertilizer application nutrient balance organic fertilizers foliar fertilizers fruit trees durian dragon fruit longan citrus mango mangosteen rambutan soil moisture Vietnam

Bui Xuan Khoi; Mai Van Tri

serials fftc extension bulletin 535

7448 Fertilizer Response and Economic Return of Cassava Variety Kasetsart 50. fertilizer response economic return Kasetsart 50

Piya Duangpatra

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

14355 Fertilizer-use efficiency of farmers using manure in Liaozhong County, China agricultural economics; agricultural waste; circular agriculture; manure

Kusano, Eiichi; Yin, Changbin; Chien, Hsiaoping

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

5204 Fiber of kapok (Ceiba pentandra) as component of a metal sensor for lead in water samples. heavy metals kapok kapok metal sensor lead analysis voltammetric analysis water pollution

Mojica, E.R.E.; Merca, F.E.; Micor, J.R.L.

serials philippine journal of crop science

6668 Fibrinolytic activity of Thai indigenous vegetables white shrimp. Thai indigenous vegetable fibrinolytic activity proteolytic activity thermal stability

Jeong Hwa Hong; Benya Manochai; Gassinee Trakoontivakorn; Vipaporn Na Thalang

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science