List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
9219 Farmers learn improved techniques for raising goats. goat raising goat management agricultural extension farmer field school serials agriculture magazine

14660 Farmers love practical farm tips practical farm; companion planting; eggplant; radish; flower induction

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

4761 Farmers provision of feedback on cattle, sheep and goat production technologies in Kwara State, Nigeria. cattle sheep goat animal production feedback technologies Nigeria

Oladele, I.O.

serials cmu journal of science

11377 Farmers satisfied with Bt corn even if the price of seed is high. Bt corn Bacillus thuringiensis Asian corn borer : ACB Crop Protection Division of the Bureau of Plant Industry Policy Research Service of the DA Croplife Philippines insect resistant management : IRM corn borer genetically engineered pesticides biotech biolife: a bi-monthly magazine on biotechnology

4353 Farmers see no risk in 'Golden rice'. rice beta-carotene genetic engineering vitamin A

Zagado, R.G.

serials agriculture

10690 Farmers shifting to new corn technologies. Pampanga YieldGard Corn Borer Protection Pioneer hybrid 30Y73 sugarcane rice banana mango eggplant Bt corn Bacillus thuringiensis bio-engineered genetically modified crop organic farming Bacillus thuringiensis modern farming technologies corn hybrids corn production Bt corn biotech biolife: a quarterly magazine on biotechnology

13104 Farmers' adaptation to climate change and their risk preferences, Yongqaio District, China climate change; farmers' adaptation; risk preferences

Jin Jianjun; Gao Yiwai; Wang Xiaomin; Pham Khanh Nam

book eepsea research reports 2015-rr14

14706 Farmers' and consumers' perspectives towards conservation agriculture vegetables in Siam Reap Province, Cambodia farmers; conservation agriculture; production; consumption; value chain; willingness to buy; vegetables; Cambodia

Sokkunthea Kheng


11679 Farmers' aspiration and perception of and attitude toward Small Farmers Development Project. extension education Khon Kaen Province Thailand

Surasit Sae-ung


14419 Farmers' crop varieties and farmers' rights: Challenges in taxonomy and law plant varieties; agrobiodiversity conservation; farmers; agriculture; taxonomy; law; genetic diversity; policy; rights book