ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
14293 | Farm management | farm management; decision making; management performance; balance sheet; farm business analysis; enterprise budgeting; farm planning; budgeting; risk and uncertainty; taxes; investment analysis; enterprise analysis; capital; credit; land; human resource management; machinery management | Kay, Ronald D.; Edwards, William M.; Duffy, Patricia A. |
purch |
5568 | Farm management 101. | hybrid corn production plant age seasonal plan budget planting | Javellana, Angel L. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
3049 | Farm management and environment of rainfed agriculture in Laos. | agricultural management research agriculture classification agriculture trend subsistence agriculture rice farming operations farm diversification cattle bank fallow period livestock | Ryuichi Yamada |
book | jircas international agriculture series no.23 |
2032 | Farm pesticides, rice production, and human health in China. | pesticides pests rice crop diseases farmers knowledge attitudes practices chemical pesticides health impairment China | Jikun Huang; Fangbin Qiao; Linxiu Zhang; Rozelle, Scott |
book |
601 | Farm planning by distance learning approach | environment assessment land capability land resources distance learning farm analysis | book |
12973 | Farm resort complex boasts of ecotourism park and profitable piggery | ecotourism park Dioko Farm Resort piggery | Sarian, Zac B. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
14173 | Farm resort encourages value-added farming by turning bananas into banana chips | farming; banana; agri eco-village; resort; banana chips | Tan, Yvette |
serials | agriculture magazine |
4630 | Farm seed production: Alternative to continued price climb. | seeds harvesting drying storage | Tacio, H.D. |
serials | agriculture |
15031 | Farm stands strong after Taal Volcano eruption and now amid the health crisis | farm | Medenilla, Vina |
serials | agriculture magazine |
9364 | Farm tour destination. | dragon fruit farm Jala-jala dragon fruit products | serials | agriculture magazine |