List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
3762 Fabulous figs featured in California collection. figs Panachee

Wood, Marcia

serials agriculture

15764 Faces of vulnerability: Gender, climate change, and disaster climate change; vulnerability; Laguna

Mendoza, Maria Emilinda T.


8078 Facilitating change for secondary mathematics teachers. teachers mathematics

Peter, Andrea; Clarke, David; Carlin, Paul

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

10452 Facilitating human learning. learning knowledge learning theories learning environment motivations communication individual differences cognitive strategies metacognitive process intelligence

Aquino, Avelina M.


11307 Facilitating IPM strategies through information technology. biotechnology information technology integrated pest management VegePest PestDiag BJ-FarmKnow food production sustainable agriculture rural development

ZuoRui Shen


15372 Facilitating Philippine mathematics teacher competencies through online teaching online teaching competencies; mathematics; teachers

Llego, A.A.

serials journal of southeast asian education

5400 Facilitating the speedy payment of oil spill compensation claims under the CLC and Fund Convention. oil spills liability insurance tankers admissible claims cleanup

White, I.C.

serials tropical coasts

14181 Facilitator's guide to farmer livestock school on goat enterprise management (FLS-GEM) implementation - Volume 2: Technical Handouts farmers; livestock; goats; adult learning; goat industry; breeding management; financial analysis; enterprises book pcaarrd training module series no. 6/2014

7164 Facility for vermiculture set up in demo farm in Ilocos Sur. vermiculture earthworms vermicast organic fertilizer

Tacadena, Mancielito S.

serials agriculture magazine

10662 Facility maintenance management system. computerized maintenance management equipment inventory maintenance standard inspection tasks maintenance job card policies and standards work planning and scheduling reports maintenance audit maintenance inventory change management

Mañez, Efren G.
