ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
15786 | Exploring pathways for promoting and scaling up climate-smart agriculture in Myanmar | agriculture development policy; climate change adaptation; climate resilience; climate smart agriculture; scaling-out; Myanmar | Barbon, Wilson John D.; Khaing, Ohnmar; Thant, Phyu Sin; Gonsalves, Julian |
serials | asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad) |
2796 | Exploring regional CBNRM policy advocacy, February 6-10, 2006 - Workshop proceedings. | community-based natural resource management policy advocacy | book |
15379 | Exploring senior high school students' social representation of biodiversity | social representation; biodiversity; senior high school; autarky | Talens, J.D. |
serials | journal of southeast asian education |
12614 | Exploring social capital and cooperativism among the Getasan dairy cattle farmers in Semarang Regency, Central Java, Indonesia. | dairy cattle farming social capital cooperativism Indonesia | Siwi Gayatri |
theses |
15247 | Exploring the entrepreneurial and innovation orientation of Central Luzon entrepreneurs using the global entrepreneurship monitor data | nascent entrepreneurs; new and established businesses; competitive aggressiveness; innovative and entrepreneurial orientation; product; market and technology innovative orientation; mixed method research | Sarreal, Emilina R.; Reyes, Joan C. |
serials | dlsu business and economics review |
2310 | Exploring the forest-poverty link: Key concepts, issues and research implications. | forest poverty non-timber forest products timber carbon storage biodiversity conservation tourism payments ecological services carbon sequestration | Angelsen, Arild; Wunder, Sven |
book | cifor occasional paper no. 40 |
3041 | Exploring the forestry carbon finance potential for an Indigenous cultural community in the Philippines. | forestry carbon Indigenous culture ecosystem Magbukun Aytas REDD plus carbon finance policy environments carbon markets Ayta community | Margaret M. Calderon; Nathaniel C. Bantayan; Florencia B. Pulhin; Lourdes J. Cruz |
book |
15803 | Exploring the ICT preferences of personnel from agricultural extension organizations in the Northeastern Region of India | agricultural extension; electronic media; extension personnel; information and communication; technologies; northeastern region India | Baruah, Anushree; Mohan, G. Madan |
serials | asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad) |
2904 | Exploring the opportunities towards competitiveness: Supply chain improvement of selected commodities in AFNR (Phase 1). | supply chain management abaca fiber industry goat industry bamboo furniture industry biofertilizer vegetables | Brown, Ernesto O.; Aquino, Albert P.; Cardenas, Danilo C. (eds.) |
book | book series no. 183/2011 |
10624 | Exploring the philosophical terrain. | philosophy logic ethics knowledge | Garcia, Leni DLR (ed.) |
purch |