List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
15786 Exploring pathways for promoting and scaling up climate-smart agriculture in Myanmar agriculture development policy; climate change adaptation; climate resilience; climate smart agriculture; scaling-out; Myanmar

Barbon, Wilson John D.; Khaing, Ohnmar; Thant, Phyu Sin; Gonsalves, Julian

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

2796 Exploring regional CBNRM policy advocacy, February 6-10, 2006 - Workshop proceedings. community-based natural resource management policy advocacy book

15379 Exploring senior high school students' social representation of biodiversity social representation; biodiversity; senior high school; autarky

Talens, J.D.

serials journal of southeast asian education

12614 Exploring social capital and cooperativism among the Getasan dairy cattle farmers in Semarang Regency, Central Java, Indonesia. dairy cattle farming social capital cooperativism Indonesia

Siwi Gayatri


15247 Exploring the entrepreneurial and innovation orientation of Central Luzon entrepreneurs using the global entrepreneurship monitor data nascent entrepreneurs; new and established businesses; competitive aggressiveness; innovative and entrepreneurial orientation; product; market and technology innovative orientation; mixed method research

Sarreal, Emilina R.; Reyes, Joan C.

serials dlsu business and economics review

2310 Exploring the forest-poverty link: Key concepts, issues and research implications. forest poverty non-timber forest products timber carbon storage biodiversity conservation tourism payments ecological services carbon sequestration

Angelsen, Arild; Wunder, Sven

book cifor occasional paper no. 40

3041 Exploring the forestry carbon finance potential for an Indigenous cultural community in the Philippines. forestry carbon Indigenous culture ecosystem Magbukun Aytas REDD plus carbon finance policy environments carbon markets Ayta community

Margaret M. Calderon; Nathaniel C. Bantayan; Florencia B. Pulhin; Lourdes J. Cruz


15803 Exploring the ICT preferences of personnel from agricultural extension organizations in the Northeastern Region of India agricultural extension; electronic media; extension personnel; information and communication; technologies; northeastern region India

Baruah, Anushree; Mohan, G. Madan

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

2904 Exploring the opportunities towards competitiveness: Supply chain improvement of selected commodities in AFNR (Phase 1). supply chain management abaca fiber industry goat industry bamboo furniture industry biofertilizer vegetables

Brown, Ernesto O.; Aquino, Albert P.; Cardenas, Danilo C. (eds.)

book book series no. 183/2011

10624 Exploring the philosophical terrain. philosophy logic ethics knowledge

Garcia, Leni DLR (ed.)
