List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
3810 Expert identifies key development actions for Mindanao's palm oil sector. Palm oil market financing industry serials agriculture

5588 Expert recommends organic feeds for goats. goats forage napier grass trees shrubs mungbean hull soybean hull acacia pods organic feeds

Pablico, Sosimo Ma.

serials agriculture magazine

10866 Expert report on biotechnology and foods : Introduction. rDNA biotechnology-derived foods food ingredients animal feed genetics agrobacterium tumefaciens biotech

7243 Expert urges contract growing in rice. rice yields fertilizer application

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

16598 Expert views on communicating genetic technology used in agriculture farm technology; gene editing; selective breeding; expert opinions

Hendricks, Jillian; Weary, Daniel M.; von Keyserlingk, Marina A.G.

weblinks food ethics 9, 17

11136 Experts agree on key advice to reduce cancer risk. carcinogen heart disease cholesterol phytochemicals biotech reprinted from food insight, nov/dec 1997

11401 Experts tapped to boost agri-industries. biotechnology National Cluster Monitoring Team (NCMT) Department of Trade and Industry - Export Development Council (DTI-EDC) agricultural crops byproducts edible vaccines genetically-modified seedlings pharmaceutics banana tissue culture

Mayuga, Jonathan L.

biotech biolife: a bi-monthly magazine on biotechnology

14644 Experts' perspective, consumer perception on rice-based products, and market trend on consumer goods for rice-based product idea generation consumer trend; convenience; health; market-driven; rice-based product

Ballesteros, Josefina F.; Abilgos-Ramos, Riza G.; Amestoso, Nilda T.

serials rice-based biosystems journal

13875 Explaining China's development and reforms economic growth; decentralization; agricultural reforms; trade policies; investment policies; China

Hofman, Bert; Wu, Jinglian

book working paper no. 50

3339 Exploitation of seahorses and pipefishes Reproduction Animal ecology Hippocampus genus Uses Ornamental fishes Drugs Foods

Vincent, A.C.J.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly