List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2015 Evolution of irrigation in South and Southeast Asia. irrigated farming irrigation systems hydraulics colonialism institutional constraints poverty water scarcity farmers modernization water market cost recovery groundwater pumping rice cereals water resource management environmental effects Southeast Asia South Asia

Barker, R.; Molle, F.

book comprehensive assessment research report 5

11683 Evolution of land tenure system in a South Sulawesi village, Indonesia. land tenure South Sulawesi Indonesia

Sofyan Jamal


5406 Evolution of national coastal policy in the Republic of Korea. coastal zone integrated coastal management policies Korea

Lee, Jihyun

serials tropical coasts

2918 Ex ante assessment of crop biotechnology products: A practical guide. crop biotechnology technology adoption technology commercialization economic analysis environmental benefits health benefits

Rola, Agnes C.; et al.


2427 Ex ante economic evaluation protocol for evaluating R&D project worth: A simplified approach. economic evaluation priority setting ex ante analysis research and development

Brown, Ernesto O.; Daite, Richard B.; Cardenas, Danilo C.

book information bulletin no. 251/2006

6812 Ex vitro root induction of the "Paisarn Taksin" jackfruit plantlets derived from culture. ex vitro root induction jackfruit

Monthar Wongmaneeroj; Siriwan Burikam; Anocha Logroum

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

16231 Ex-ante impact of direct seeding of rice as an alternative to transplanting rice in the Indo-Gangetic Plain shrimp farming; leasing-in; leasing-out; leasing market; Tobit model

Malabayabas, Arelene Julia; Templeton, Debbie; Singh, Pratibha

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

11339 Ex-army general shows farmers how to successfully grow Bt corn and mushrooms. agricultural biotechnology yield corn borer farming systems genetically modified organisms Bt corn genetically engineered crops agricultural waste pollution nutritional intake income livelihood mushroom culture mushroom production edible fungi biotechnology crops mushrooms Marcelo Blando BIBA-DIWA Multi-Purpose Cooperative (BDMPC) National Crop Protection Center (NCPC) DA-Biotechnology Program Implementation Unit : DA-BPIU Biotechnology Coalition of the Philippines : BCP Marcelo Blando cooperative Bacillus thuringiensis Pangasinan Institutional Biosafety Committee : IBC carbon dioxide plant resources mineral resources bio-fuel herbs ginseng bioreactor biotechnology plant tissue culture petroleum Korean mountain ginseng coconut Asia Philippines South Korea

Galvez, Joe

biotech biolife: a quarterly magazine of biotechnology

5989 Ex-DH finds money in farming. farming rice production vegetable production livelihood Palayamanan

Pablico, Sosimo Ma.

serials agriculture magazine

3264 Ex-situ conservation of the germplasm of aquatic organisms

Pullin, R.S.V.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly