ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
7545 | Estrus Performance of Boran and Boran X Holstein Friesian Crossbred Cattle Synchronized with a Protocol based on Estradiol Benzoate or Gonadotrophin : Releasing Hormone. | estrus behavior interval to estrus estrus duration synchronization boran cattle | Million Tadesse; Alforja, L.M.; Oguis, L.G. |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
11073 | Ethical and religious issues relating to biotechnology. | biotechnology food safety genetically modified organisms : GMOs risk assessment allergenicity DNA technology intellectual property rights : IPR biosafety | biotech |
11465 | Ethics and agricultural biotechnology | biotechnology agricultural ethics production processing agricultural products gm foods environment social equity human health biodiversity economic growth | biotech | pocket k |
10676 | Ethics and social responsibility: Asian and western perspectives. | ethics social responsibility workplace ethics corruption technology environment legal ethics professional ethics finance ethics accounting ethics | purch |
11475 | Ethics of bioinformatics: a convergence between bioethics and computer ethics. | biotechnology computer ethics academic discipline history bioinformatics bioethics | Soraj Hongladarom |
biotech | asian biotechnology and development review |
8036 | Ethics of bioinformatics: A convergence between bioethics and computer ethics. | computer ethics bioethics bioinfprmatics history academic discipline | Hongladarom, Soraj |
serials | asian biotechnology and development review |
5893 | Ethnic food processors go global by using what's local. | canned food Filipino dishes business Moon Dish DOST | Mercado, Maycee G. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
6570 | Ethnobotany in Bung Khong Long non-hunting area, Northeast Thailand. | ethnobotany lowland forest Bung Khong Long | Siriwan Suksri; Siraprapha Premcharoen; Chitraporn Thawatphan; Suvit Sangthongprow |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
2460 | Ethnoveterinary medicine in Asia: An information kit on traditional health care practices, 4 volumes. | medicinal plants animal health care ruminants swine poultry surgical techniques castration wounds diarrhea dehydration constipation | book |
15524 | Ethnovideography: Video-based indigenous knowledge systems | knowledge management; ethnovideography; indigenous knowledge; participatory documentation; video documentation techniques; epistemology | Flor, Alexander G. |
book |