List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
7545 Estrus Performance of Boran and Boran X Holstein Friesian Crossbred Cattle Synchronized with a Protocol based on Estradiol Benzoate or Gonadotrophin : Releasing Hormone. estrus behavior interval to estrus estrus duration synchronization boran cattle

Million Tadesse; Alforja, L.M.; Oguis, L.G.

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

11073 Ethical and religious issues relating to biotechnology. biotechnology food safety genetically modified organisms : GMOs risk assessment allergenicity DNA technology intellectual property rights : IPR biosafety biotech

11465 Ethics and agricultural biotechnology biotechnology agricultural ethics production processing agricultural products gm foods environment social equity human health biodiversity economic growth biotech pocket k

10676 Ethics and social responsibility: Asian and western perspectives. ethics social responsibility workplace ethics corruption technology environment legal ethics professional ethics finance ethics accounting ethics purch

11475 Ethics of bioinformatics: a convergence between bioethics and computer ethics. biotechnology computer ethics academic discipline history bioinformatics bioethics

Soraj Hongladarom

biotech asian biotechnology and development review

8036 Ethics of bioinformatics: A convergence between bioethics and computer ethics. computer ethics bioethics bioinfprmatics history academic discipline

Hongladarom, Soraj

serials asian biotechnology and development review

5893 Ethnic food processors go global by using what's local. canned food Filipino dishes business Moon Dish DOST

Mercado, Maycee G.

serials agriculture magazine

6570 Ethnobotany in Bung Khong Long non-hunting area, Northeast Thailand. ethnobotany lowland forest Bung Khong Long

Siriwan Suksri; Siraprapha Premcharoen; Chitraporn Thawatphan; Suvit Sangthongprow

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

2460 Ethnoveterinary medicine in Asia: An information kit on traditional health care practices, 4 volumes. medicinal plants animal health care ruminants swine poultry surgical techniques castration wounds diarrhea dehydration constipation book

15524 Ethnovideography: Video-based indigenous knowledge systems knowledge management; ethnovideography; indigenous knowledge; participatory documentation; video documentation techniques; epistemology

Flor, Alexander G.
