ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
12376 | Endochitinase activity of Trichoderma reesei to suppress fungal rot pathogen Ganoderma philippii. | biotechnology endochitinase trichoderma reesei Ganoderma philippii | Harjono |
theses |
12513 | Endogenous insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) in growth and reproductive performance of boars (Sus scrofa L.). | boars Sus scrofa insulin-like growth factor scrotal length reproductive performance | Sangel, Percival P. |
theses |
5221 | Endophytic bacteria associated with sweet potato and their interaction under co-culture conditions. | acetylene reduction activity biological nitrogen fixation diazotrophs endophytic bacteria Enterobacter asburiae inoculation Klebsiella spp. Pantoea agglomerans sucrose sweet potato | Asis, C.A. Jr.; Katsuki, Adachi |
serials | philippine journal of crop science |
12779 | Endophytic yeasts of Phragmiles sp. in a copper contaminated tailings pond in Mankayan, Benguet. | endophytic yeasts copper metallophytes Phragmites sp. | Hipol, Roland Maaño |
theses |
9649 | Energetic, Innovative AFA High Quality and Safe Agriculture and Food Industry in Taiwan. | agriculture rice, food, fruit industry vegetables and flowers grains and special crop rice management safety food storage agricultural products sanitation and safety agricultural information disaster relief agricultural technology Taiwan | cd |
10855 | Energized for biotechnology. | biotechnology papaya IPB Philippines plasmid coat protein transgenic virus | Valencia, Lolita |
biotech | isaaa briefs no. 15 |
14033 | Energy access and financial inclusion: Are solar PAYG products promoting digital financial access and use among rural households in Kenya? A case study of Kakamega county | energy; rural households; solar products; digital financial access; lighting; electrification; Kenya | Ajwang, Beryl |
serials | tropical resources |
7318 | Energy Analysis in Rice Mills for Cogeneration in Thailand. | cogeneration par-boiled rice electrical energy thermal energy | Wannee Ekasilp; Somchart Soponronnarit; Apichit Therdyothin |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
12434 | Energy analysis of rice farming systems in selected villages of the Lao People's Democratic Republic. | energy use lowland farming systems rice farming fossil fuel energy efficiency yield Laos | Outhai Soukkhy |
theses |
10679 | Energy and global climate change: Bridging the sustainable development divide. | climate change energy poverty | Cherian, Anilla |
purch |