List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
12376 Endochitinase activity of Trichoderma reesei to suppress fungal rot pathogen Ganoderma philippii. biotechnology endochitinase trichoderma reesei Ganoderma philippii



12513 Endogenous insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) in growth and reproductive performance of boars (Sus scrofa L.). boars Sus scrofa insulin-like growth factor scrotal length reproductive performance

Sangel, Percival P.


5221 Endophytic bacteria associated with sweet potato and their interaction under co-culture conditions. acetylene reduction activity biological nitrogen fixation diazotrophs endophytic bacteria Enterobacter asburiae inoculation Klebsiella spp. Pantoea agglomerans sucrose sweet potato

Asis, C.A. Jr.; Katsuki, Adachi

serials philippine journal of crop science

12779 Endophytic yeasts of Phragmiles sp. in a copper contaminated tailings pond in Mankayan, Benguet. endophytic yeasts copper metallophytes Phragmites sp.

Hipol, Roland Maaño


9649 Energetic, Innovative AFA High Quality and Safe Agriculture and Food Industry in Taiwan. agriculture rice, food, fruit industry vegetables and flowers grains and special crop rice management safety food storage agricultural products sanitation and safety agricultural information disaster relief agricultural technology Taiwan cd

10855 Energized for biotechnology. biotechnology papaya IPB Philippines plasmid coat protein transgenic virus

Valencia, Lolita

biotech isaaa briefs no. 15

14033 Energy access and financial inclusion: Are solar PAYG products promoting digital financial access and use among rural households in Kenya? A case study of Kakamega county energy; rural households; solar products; digital financial access; lighting; electrification; Kenya

Ajwang, Beryl

serials tropical resources

7318 Energy Analysis in Rice Mills for Cogeneration in Thailand. cogeneration par-boiled rice electrical energy thermal energy

Wannee Ekasilp; Somchart Soponronnarit; Apichit Therdyothin

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

12434 Energy analysis of rice farming systems in selected villages of the Lao People's Democratic Republic. energy use lowland farming systems rice farming fossil fuel energy efficiency yield Laos

Outhai Soukkhy


10679 Energy and global climate change: Bridging the sustainable development divide. climate change energy poverty

Cherian, Anilla
