List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
6959 Effects of ethephon and paclobutrazol on growth and yield of mungbean cv Kamphaeng Saen 1. mungbean ethephon paclobutrazol plant growth regulators

Sombun Techapinyawat; Malee Na Nakorn; Nusara Sinbuathong

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

7828 Effects of extender and storage time on motility and ultrastructure of cooled-preserved boar spermatozoa. boar spermatozoa extender scanning electron microscopy transmission electron microscopy ultrastructure

Duangjai Boonkusol; Kulnasan Saikhun; Poonsuk Ratanaphumma

serials the kasetsart journal

7606 Effects of extender and storage time on motility and ultrastructure of cooled-preserved boar spermatozoa. boar spermatozoa extender scanning electron microscopy transmission electron microscopy ultrastructure

Duangjai Boonkusoll; Kulnasan Saikhun; Poonsuk Ratanaphumma

serials the kasetsart journal

6361 Effects of Extender, Cryoprotectant and Freezing Protocols on Post-thaw Sperm Motility, Morphology and Viability of Three-yellow Cocks : (Gallus domesticus) Spermatozoa. three-yellow chicken Gallus domesticus extender cryoprotectant frozen semen

Wirasak Fungfuang; Voravit Siripholvat; Suchart Sa-nguanphan; Anuchai Pinyopummin

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

16627 Effects of farm income diversification and labor out-migration on rice household productivity in Indonesia agricultural productivity; income diversification; paddy yield; Indonesia

Morioka, Masako; Rondhi, Mohammad; Mori, Yasuhiro

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

7369 Effects of Feed Restriction on Growth, Development of Ovary and Oviduct, and Mortality Rate in the Layer. feed restriction ovary oviduct follicle number mortality rate

Ratana Chotesangasa

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

8094 Effects of feedback in a multimedia computer-based learning on the achievement of students with different cognitive styles. computer-based multimedia cognitive styles

Fook, Fong S.; Kong, Ng W.

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

12021 Effects of fertilization on the growth and survival of Agoho (Casuarina equisetifolia Forst.) forest biological sciences fertilization growth Agoho Casuarina equisetifolia

Bumatay, Ernesto C.


16374 Effects of forage corn silage preparation on early-instar larval survivability and egg hatchability of fall armyworms (Spodoptera frugiperda) anaerobic condition; carbon dioxide gas; compaction; larval viability; silage storing

Hayashi, Masayuki; Sanada-Morimura, Sachiyo; Kato, Naoki; Hattori, Ikuo

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

8000 Effects of free air carbon dioxide enrichment and drought stress on the rumen in sacco degradability of corn silage harvested at various times. drought stress in sacco degradability corn silage harvest date

Loholter, Malte; et. al

serials landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research