List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
11622 Effects of cropping history on soil erodibility of kaingin farms in Mt. Makiling, Laguna, Philippines. cropping history soil erosion kaingin farms Mt. Makiling Philippines

Ganapin, Delfin J. Jr.


12348 Effects of crossbreeding and inbreeding on growth performance, age at sexual maturity : and chromosome morphology of three genetic groups of the Philippine Native Chickens (Gallus gallus domessicus Linn). and chromosome morphology of three genetic groups of the Philippine Native Chickens (Gallus gallus domessicus Linn). animal science philippine native chicken : Gallus gallus domesticus Linn Indonesia

Sintje Lumatauw


3668 Effects of culture media and growing media on Kluai Bep. banana culture media growing media tissue culture

Anchulee Chinsuk; Benchamas Silayoi

serials the kasetsart journal

7605 Effects of dietary energy and methionine sources on productive performance and carcass yield in broiler chicken. corn cassava methionine sources carcass yield broiler chicken

Choawit Rakangtong; Benchamas Silayoi

serials the kasetsart journal

6743 Effects of dietary fiber and its optimum levels for growth of hybrid clarias catfish (Clarias macrocephalus x Clarias gariepinus). hybrid clarias catfish dietary fiber levels growth performance

Wimol Jantrarotai; Naruemon Tewpanich

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

6592 Effects of dietary sodium bicarbonate supplementation on eggshell quality and hatchability in Thai native hens. Thai native hens sodium bicarbonate eggshell quality fecal moisture plasma pH plasma sodium hatchability

Nirat Gongruttananun; Ratana Chotesangasa

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

6608 Effects of dietary supplementation of enzymes in a soybean meal rich diet on the performance of growing-finishing pigs (20-100 kg). growing-finishing pig NSPase soybean meal rich diet

Uthai Kanto; Sukanya Jattupornpong; Walter Vandepitte; Erik Vanderbeke

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

6607 Effects of dietary supplementation of enzymes in a soybean meal rich diet on the performance of weaned pigs (4-8 weeks). weaned pigs enzymes in a soybean meal rich diet NSPase

Uthai Kantoo; Sukanya Jattupornpong; Walter Vandepitte; Erik Vanderbeke

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

7640 Effects of different heating treatment and storage time on formation of resistant starch from potato starch. potato starch resistant starch heating treatment storage time

Chinfu Chou; Mingchang Wu; Budi Nurtama; Jenshinn Lin

serials the kasetsart journal

6378 Effects of Different Organic Amendments and Chemical Fertilizer on Plant Growth and Grain Yield of Soybean on Pakchong Soil Series. organic amendments jatropha extracts and cake chitosan extracts fish waste extracts

Thu Zar Myint; Isara Sooksathan; Rungsarid Kaveeta; Sunanta Juntakool

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science