List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
11935 Effectiveness of three techniques of identifying leaders in Lam Pao Irrigation Project, Northeast, Thailand agricultural extension communicators Lam Pao Irrigation Project Thailand

Adisak Sreesunpagit


15928 Effectiveness verification of China's pilot carbon emission trading system carbon reduction; carbon emissions trading system; China

Zhou, Weisheng; Ling, Yishu; Li, You; Qian, Xuepeng

serials journal of policy science

6819 Effects of 1-naphthyl acetic acid (NAA) and gibberellic acid (GA3) on sex expression and growth of papaya (Caric papaya L.). papaya Carica papaya NAA GA3 sex expression growth

Suranant Subhadrabandhu; Umporn Thongplew; Sirikul Wasee

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

7414 Effects of 17 Alpha-Methyltestosterone on Growth, Survival and Sex Reversal of Thai Walking Catfish, Clarias macrocephalus. sex-reversal clarias macrocephalus 17 alpha-methyltestosterone

Uthairat Na-Nakorn; Rex A. Dunham; Prathak Tabthipwon

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

6358 Effects of Acute and Chronic Gamma Irradiation on Tissue Culture of Cryptocoryne wendtii "brown". Cryptocoryne wendtii brown gamma rays acute irradiation chronic irradiation tissue culture

Peeranuch Jompuk; Choosak Jompuk; Apira Bunjongpetch; Pakorn Tangpong

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

6380 Effects of Acute and Chronic Gamma Irradiations on In Vitro Culture of Anubias Congensis : N.E. Brown. Anubias congensis N.E. Brown gamma rays acute irradiation chronic irradiation tissue culture

Pakorn Tangpong; Thanya Taychasinpitak; Choosak Jompuk; Peeranuch Jompuk

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

12240 Effects of additives and cold storage on bacteriological, biochemical, and sensory changes of frozen shrimp (Metapenaeus ensis De Haan) food science additives cold storage sensory changes frozen shrimp Metapenaeus ensis Thailand

Poonsap Virulhakul


178 Effects of agricultural commercialization on land tenure, household resource allocation, and nutrition in the Philippines economic aspects land tenure nutrition sugar production corn food expenditures calorie intakes body weight Philippines book ifpri research report no.79

12715 Effects of agricultural extension and environment-related practices of technical efficiency of paddy farmers in the central region of Thailand. agricultural extension paddy farmer rice cultivation

Kallika Taraka


11572 Effects of application of ipil-ipil (Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de witt) leaves at different time on some. ipil-ipil Leucaena leucocephala soil properties yield upland rice Indonesia

Soedarmadi Hardjosuwignjo
